Turkey breed question


Keeper of tiny dinos
Apr 17, 2019
When we first got our turkeys I asked about what breeds they might be and I got several answers for all of them. But now that theyve started getting feathers, I was wondering if there was a way to narrow down the possibilities. Does anyone know their exact breed?

Still to early to tell for sure?? The likely possibilities I was told before are the bronze, the black, and the narragansett white, just to name a few.
It can be harder to tell at this in between stage than as day old poults or as adults. They really won't have their full adult plumage until about 6 months and sometimes even later with late developing toms.
It can be harder to tell at this in between stage than as day old poults or as adults. They really won't have their full adult plumage until about 6 months and sometimes even later with late developing toms.
Didnt know that XD
Do all Toms mature slower, or are there just late bloomers in general?
No, good toms mature early at the same rate the hens do. Unfortunately too many people are using late developing toms as their breeding toms causing the tendency to late development to be passed on to their offspring. If on the rare occasion that I get a late developing tom, I make sure it never gets a chance to breed. I never allow a known late developing tom to leave my possession alive. They taste just as good as any other turkey.

I currently have a young tom that I have been able to tell is a tom since he was about 5 weeks old.
Two month old Sweetgrass tom
No, good toms mature early at the same rate the hens do. Unfortunately too many people are using late developing toms as their breeding toms causing the tendency to late development to be passed on to their offspring. If on the rare occasion that I get a late developing tom, I make sure it never gets a chance to breed. I never allow a known late developing tom to leave my possession alive. They taste just as good as any other turkey.

I currently have a young tom that I have been able to tell is a tom since he was about 5 weeks old.
Two month old Sweetgrass tom
Well that's good to know. I'm very much interested in getting some turkeys, and would likely be breeding them sometime down the road. Thank you for educating me on the matter. :)
No, good toms mature early at the same rate the hens do. Unfortunately too many people are using late developing toms as their breeding toms causing the tendency to late development to be passed on to their offspring. If on the rare occasion that I get a late developing tom, I make sure it never gets a chance to breed. I never allow a known late developing tom to leave my possession alive. They taste just as good as any other turkey.

I currently have a young tom that I have been able to tell is a tom since he was about 5 weeks old.
Two month old Sweetgrass tom
Thanks for the info. He's a pretty tom.
No, good toms mature early at the same rate the hens do. Unfortunately too many people are using late developing toms as their breeding toms causing the tendency to late development to be passed on to their offspring. If on the rare occasion that I get a late developing tom, I make sure it never gets a chance to breed. I never allow a known late developing tom to leave my possession alive. They taste just as good as any other turkey.

I currently have a young tom that I have been able to tell is a tom since he was about 5 weeks old.
Two month old Sweetgrass tom

After seeing (on my house pet post/gender post) how young my pet turkey is (i know you guessed tom fairly early) would you conisder him late or on time? I have younger ones i can tell are toms (gobbling and what not) but i think i wouldve been able to tell somewhat earlier if i would known for sure what signs to look for. He also didnt try to gobble till a few days ago (gobbles a lot now) but untill recently he raised without other turkeys around. Now that there are others its like hes hitting his im a tom stride. Would he be a safe breeder do you think or should i just let him live the pet life and keep one of the other toms to breed? Thank you for all your help

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