Turkey chicks wont shut up


Dec 26, 2015
I got them at a week and a half and theyre now about two weeks. They tweet all and more noticeably all night. I doubt theyre cold because the second i walk over there they shut up and when i walk away they start up again after some seconds of silence. I should be sleeping by now (its 1:35 am) but i can even here them into the next room. Help me lol :barnie
Get a sound machine!!! - The kind with options like "ocean waves, "calm," "rainforest," etc ...
Oh my goodness, my poult was all by herself, and was completely in a trance listening. I picked mine up from Target and you can set it for up to 8 hours. I also picked up a mirror from the dollar store and secured it to the side of her brooder, along with a few stuffed animals and a small doggie bed. Another thing that she loved was snuggling herself into a slipper. She really liked burrowing her head into it and it's the perfect size for young poults. Being held and pet was of course the #1 thing to stop the peeping! Good luck!!! Here's a picture of Ginger in her slipper
Great blog, DoodleTurkey!!! Loved it! We also discovered that colorful parrot/bird toys from the pet store were a favorite, especially any with mirrors, bells, hanging worm-like parts ...
You think this is annoying wait until they are allowed to start walking around and start following you everywhere....
For me filling up my feeder and the having baby chicks around made them really quiet
Try fulfilling their feeder waterer and make sure the heat is close enough for them to feel the warmth.
Goodluck... Turkeys get annoying
Yea they are really annoying but i love them XD theyre not thanksgiving dinner so theyll be around for a while.
I havent really noticed a difference in the eating patterns bw chickens and turkeys but i think turkeys are a little more cuter as chicks.
Haha yea but i meant to say cuter than chickens as chicks ...my bad :)
Anyway here are my two little sleep depriving turkey children Nemo and Lapis (Nemos got the wacked out foot....i rlly dont know what happened with it)


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