Turkey hen feather picks EVERYBODY!


9 Years
Nov 8, 2010
North Edwards
I have a blue slate hen who picks feathers at everybody, the chickens and even the tom! I feed them 22% protein feed and mealworms! What more does she want???
There are 8 chickens and a tom with her and she pecks their feathers all the time.. Oh but her feathers are fine, nice and soft and clean and full.
I don't want her doing it anymore. 1 of the hens is lethargic, has her tail down, won't eat and won't socialize normally either. Maybe that's not the turkey's fault but still.. Oh and the turkey isn't laying eggs either.
If you can catch her in the act the old kitty spray bottle of water works pretty well. I'd put her in a timeout where she can't be around her frenemies anymore. Then when you put her back in with the flock in say three weeks, she won't be top dog anymore and all the other girls will have healed up so she won't have anything red to peck at and hopefully that will cure the problem. If not, I'd cull her. I don't want an aggressive bird and I sure don't want the offspring of an aggressive bird.
If you can catch her in the act the old kitty spray bottle of water works pretty well. I'd put her in a timeout where she can't be around her frenemies anymore. Then when you put her back in with the flock in say three weeks, she won't be top dog anymore and all the other girls will have healed up so she won't have anything red to peck at and hopefully that will cure the problem. If not, I'd cull her. I don't want an aggressive bird and I sure don't want the offspring of an aggressive bird.

Hmm I see. I'm trying to get rid of both of the turkeys as we speak, she is in a different pen at the moment. The other birds aren't hurt, they just look really bad and rough to the touch because of her feather picking issue.
I'm trying to figure out how much turkeys are sold for in general? Not show turkeys, just a regular bourbon red tom and blue slate hen. I've seen some people sell them for $55 but I'm not sure if anyone would go for that so is $45 better?

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