Turkey pair attack my chicken


5 Years
Jul 5, 2018
Out of nowhere, my 25 week old turkeys (male and female) are attacking my sweet chicken. I found him on top of her and he head was bloodied. I nearly died.

They live in a 20' x 20' chain link area 6' tall. The chickens have a large chicken house and the pair of turkeys have their own large house they go in at night to roost . They have everything they need, they are spoiled. Why this all of a sudden? This is breaking my heart.
This attack might indicate that your turkeys and chickens need to be kept separate during the day, as well as at night.

I cannot tell you why the turkeys suddenly decided to attack the chicken. My chickens mingle with the wild turkey flocks that hang out, never causing any conflict between the two species, with the exception of my chickens occasionally chasing off a turkey that they feel is eating too much of the scratch I've tossed to the two species to enjoy.
Out of nowhere, my 25 week old turkeys (male and female) are attacking my sweet chicken. I found him on top of her and he head was bloodied. I nearly died.

They live in a 20' x 20' chain link area 6' tall. The chickens have a large chicken house and the pair of turkeys have their own large house they go in at night to roost . They have everything they need, they are spoiled. Why this all of a sudden? This is breaking my heart.
My friend had turkeys (maturing) attack AND kill one of her Silkies AND her Chihuahua. :mad:

They TRIED to claim the turkeys sensed worms and killed them to protect the flock... cough BS! :smack

They harvested the aggressors and have 2 more docile female turkeys living among their flock but sleep in the trees and NOW call predator alarms and help protect the other birds.

25 week old turkeys... welcome to reality... hormones are kicking in. :barnie

Hope you find resolution! :fl
My friend had turkeys (maturing) attack AND kill one of her Silkies AND her Chihuahua. :mad:

They TRIED to claim the turkeys sensed worms and killed them to protect the flock... cough BS! :smack

They harvested the aggressors and have 2 more docile female turkeys living among their flock but sleep in the trees and NOW call predator alarms and help protect the other birds.

25 week old turkeys... welcome to reality... hormones are kicking in. :barnie

Hope you find resolution! :fl
Lucky our Chihuahua is an indoor dog. That just made me really sad. this is going to be a pain in the butt I'm going to try free ranging the pair during the day and let nature run its course and hopefully get them in at night but it won't be easy. I don't know if I'm going to have the energy to do this everyday it's a chore just getting them out of the coop. I'm wondering if I get a royal palm which is a much more docile turkey and replacing him. But I don't know if that's going to solve anythin.
Lucky our Chihuahua is an indoor dog. That just made me really sad. this is going to be a pain in the butt I'm going to try free ranging the pair during the day and let nature run its course and hopefully get them in at night but it won't be easy. I don't know if I'm going to have the energy to do this everyday it's a chore just getting them out of the coop. I'm wondering if I get a royal palm which is a much more docile turkey and replacing him. But I don't know if that's going to solve anything.
As long as you raise the poults with chickens it will get imprinted by the chickens. Imprinting removes the turkey's ability to understand that it is not the same as a chicken. Turkeys being bigger than chickens when adults will then use turkey manners on the chickens.

I have not found Royal Palms to be any more docile than any other variety of heritage turkeys. Individual turkeys each have their own individual personality. Do not judge a variety of turkeys from a single turkey's behavior.

If you want your turkeys to be turkeys and behave like turkeys without bothering your chickens, you will need to raise them apart from the chickens.
I'm wondering if I get a royal palm which is a much more docile turkey and replacing him.
Hers were Royal Palms.

Individual turkeys each have their own individual personality. Do not judge a variety of turkeys from a single turkey's behavior.
Agreed, with all species across the board really. :thumbsup

I don't keep turkeys and probably won't so got no clue what turkey manners are. They look really cool and the eggs are good but seem heavy on the feed bill and more trouble than I care to deal with. Maybe they aren't for your either? :confused:

Keep more chickens. :oops: ;)

Partly kidding, we all have reasons why we do what we do. I have no desire to put turkey's in my freezer so would only keep a Tom for looks... and my finances and space plus chicken hobby aren't really set up for that with all the horror stories I have herd. I tried ducks for fun. They were more work than I needed but a great adventure while I had it. :love

Good luck, whatever you choose. :fl
Well I just spent the last 2 hours putting up a barrier of vinyl chicken wire between the two different species the run. luckily I had put together to dog kennels to make the giant run so we have two separate entrances. That was a small miracle today. tomorrow will be the first day where I will open the door to the Ron and just lettomor go. We have an acre of land and I'm going to pray for the best. It's all I can do right now. I like we in Massachusetts we have a leash law so I'm not too afraid of dogs around.

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