Turkey poult (2 months) liquid filled, swollen chest - pictures


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 9, 2010
St. Louis
Does anyone have an idea what this may be? The skin is very thin and stretched out in her chest and when I move her, I can actually hear liquid sloshing around in this swollen area. She is acting fine, lots of energy, seems to be eating and drinking plenty (it's been over 90 degrees in this area for over 20 days in a row, many days over 100 degrees). I give them shade, a fan, a wading water bowl as well as fresh water 3 times a day and I was wondering if the water she is drinking isn't digesting and is going into this swollen area or something...any ideas? I'm not sure what to do...could this be the result of an impacted crop?

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