Turkey Treats

When my Bourbon Reds were little, they freaked out over anything new in their pen--even a new water dish. They had to fret and worry about any change before they could try it. Now that they're over a year old and have traveled around a bit (they break out whenever I'm late with the food), they eat anything that fits in their beaks. Yesterday they found a nest of rats and ate them. Go turkeys!
I have bourbon reds too. They are 3 months old now. They won't drink water or eat their food in the barn. I don't know what the deal is with that. I tried changing to a different water jar, but they still won't use it. They are so friendly, I hope they stay that way.
Mine like grapes, tomatoes, bread, dry dog and cat food, and love to follow me while I'm mowing to eat bugs. I'm sure if I fed them anything they saw me eating, they'd want it too. Try eating whatever you want to feed them in front of them (given that it's edible
). They're very inquisitive and observant, so they may decide they like it if they see you eating it first.
Yours are young still give them time mine eat everything! bread lettuce tomatoes cucumbers zuchinni summer squash corn reg and corn on the cob sweet horse feed they really love especially when its winter try alittle of everything and im sure they will try it sooner or later they are very curious critters i love em:D
My RP's are about 6 months now. They are quite a pair and love treats. I am really lucky that they think anything I am hand feeding them is a treat. They love grass this way! But other then that they love Japanese beetles, watermelon, green beans, any sort of lettuce, apples, grapes, any melon. I would just keep trying things. Mine didn't really want "treats" until they were at least three months. I love my turkeys, I wish we had a board that was dedicated to them like byc is to chickens.


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