Turkey Vultures


In the Brooder
Jul 26, 2016
I'm new to having ducks and I don't know if it's turkey vultures or hawks circling my pen! They're all black and HUGE. We have a dead porcupine on the opposite side of the yard and I saw one eating it but if they know where a carcass is why are they flying over the pen? My muscovys are almost full grown but I do have a small one too.. Should I worry about turkey vultures? I came home yesterday and it was circling too until it saw me, same with this morning...
It sounds like turkey vultures to me. They shouldn't pose a threat to full grown birds. Their main diet consists of carrion.
Sounds like turkey vultures. They do circle all over riding the thermals. Personally I've never had a problem with them, though their shadows will make the birds dive for cover.
I have many turkey vultures in the area. I'm sure they're attracted by our rat kills. They circle our farm a lot and have never had an issue. We have bantams and mums with chicks free ranging without issue.

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