Turkey wing clip or not clip?


In the Brooder
Jul 30, 2015
Ive got 2 young turkeys, do yall leave your birds locked up or let them free range? Do you clip their wings or do they ever try to fly off? Mine are red bourbons, i think a tom and a hen
When young, heritage breeds of turkeys can fly quite well and it can be a challenge sometimes to keep them where you want them. After they reach a year of age they are less inclined to fly unless they really want to and it is mostly the hens. I haven't seen my mature toms off the ground much unless they are roosting.

You can try wing clipping, I find it slows them a bit but doesn't stop them. It's best to clip only one wing. You will have to do it again as young turkeys molt their feathers a few times their first year. I haven't found it to be very effective. I allow ranging when I'm home as I like to keep a watch on them and lock them up in a large covered run when I can't.
I house my turkeys separately in their own shed and run as sometimes they can be troublemakers with other poultry.

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