turkey with big bumps all over getting worse (pic)

harris farm

9 Years
Aug 8, 2010
i have some turkey poults that are full of these bumps like brown crusty things all over their legs and eyes. what in the world is this
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A picture might help people get a better idea of what's going on. I don't have any suggestions but I hope you get it figured out soon!
My chickens had pox. Looked really reallly bad, like your photo. The bumps got bigger and bigger, deforming the faces of the ones with it the worst.

I started euthenizing the worst ones. Lovely big brahma hen, my favorite.

then got on BYC forum at the library and found out it was pox. And that they'll recover completely from it. And they did. The horrible bumps went away completely and their skin smoothed back out. No scarring or pitting. All good again after about two or three weeks, can't remember exactly how long it took to go away.

It is not just little spots like chicken pox on children.

Summertime. Spread by mosquitos.

I had never heard of it before and thought it was a terrible form of cancer.

Especially on their faces and EYELIDS!!!! The bumps are multi colored, a lot of dark color too to them.

Tell Newbies about it. I wish it was a photo banner across this forum - so that I knew about before I started euthanizing the birds.

I can't tell for sure from your pic. A pic of the faces and eyelids would help.
Looks like fowl pox in the pic.
When mine had it, I did lose several to it. I'm guessing secondary infection from having those nasty bump/wounds on the face.
I put vit b in the water and anitbiotics which seam to help them.
I now vaccinate all my chicks before they go outside and haven't (knock on wood) had any more cases of it.

Keep the wounds as clean as possible especially around the face, start vaccinating your chicks.

It is carried by the mosquitoes and if in your area will remain there.

I have a friend 15 miles from me who has never had a case of it, but I live next to a swamp with lots of mosquitoes.
I'm not sure if there is treatment for Fowl pox with secondary infections, which it looks like that is what your turkey has. I will do some research and see what I can find to help you out. Maybe someone else will come along with more information.

Is this turkey free ranging with your other animals?

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