Turkey with broken beak


9 Years
Aug 21, 2014
I just went out to the coop to give the brats their snacks and found that one of my Bourbon Red hens broke about a 1/4 inch of her beak covering off, exposing the core. There's little to no blood. She doesn't seem to be in any pain, but I'm concerned that she may not want to eat or drink because of it.

I've never dealt with a seriously chipped beak like this - most of them have been minor and healed in their own time. How should I go about treating it?

EDIT: Would coating it with a layer of petroleum jelly help?
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Most stuff I just leave alone to heal up. You will have to watch and see if she can eat and drink. I would assume it's similar to a debeaked bird. Sorry I can't give much more advice as I haven't dealt with it.
I agree most things heal up on there own. I have had chickens and even a few ducks who some how broke a portion of there beak/bill off (half the beak for one chicken). And with all those birds there beaks healed up on there own. I would just leave it be and keep in eye on it and the bird make sure it is eating and drinking and check the beak daily to make sure it doesn't get infected.
Thank you both for answering, you've eased my mind quite a bit. It has been a couple of days and she seems fine - no loss of appetite or dehydration, so I'll just continue keeping an eye on her. Thanks again!
Hello, I am finding this years later. Can you tell me if it all worked out ? it healed without issue? I have a Tom turkey who snapped off the first inch of his own beak and I am worried about him. I have managed to get him to drink water (middle of a heat wave, of course) and he ate a small amount of food last night, but he is not really eating the way he normally does.

thank you for your post and the follow-up, I am amazed it healed and grew back on your hen! and much comforted by the idea that he might do that too
Hi Mother-Hen-Michele,

Yikes, an entire inch?! How the heck did he manage to do that?

In answer to your question, yes - she healed without issue, although there is still a slight deformity in the horn. I kept it moist with petroleum jelly. Like your tom, she wasn't too keen on eating and drinking, but after a couple days she was back to her old self. I imagine it was painful at first. Maybe offer him something moist - i.e., pate cat food? - to keep his appetite up.

Please keep us posted on your tom's recovery! Wishing you the best of luck.

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