Turkeys 101 - New To Turkeys (What Do I Need To Know?)

Oh my good gracious! So, my hen started laying while everyone was locked up because of MAJOR freezing going on. When I released them, she stopped laying in the coop. I stalked her one day and found she had made a nest just in the woods. So, I've checked there every afternoon for over a week, and found an egg only once. And she doesn't seem to hang out in that area much anymore. How on Earth do people find eggs of free rangers??? Do I have to just wait and see if she goes broody and hunt her down then? This is her 1st year laying, so I am lost! I spent over an hr walking around looking for a new nest! :(
I have a Bourbon Red Hen. I rescued her from a feed store last summer. She was going to die and I just took her home. My dog is now her best friend.
I know that she is lonely and I would like to get something for her to keep he company. I am able, after doing some research to get some fertile BR eggs. Does anyone know how I can get her to set on them. She has already laid her unfertile eggs this spring and has stopped laying. (I don't know how often they lay in a years time.) I'm guessing that they do not lay like chickens????
If I were going to build a nest for her, what would I use ? She is in 10x10x5 foot chain link fence cage.
Also, If I can't get her to set on these eggs, how and when could I put them with her if I have to incubate them?
I don't have to put another turkey with her if someone can recommend something that I could put in with her instead. Thanks in advance for all your help.
I have a Bourbon Red Hen.  I rescued her from a feed store last summer.  She was going to die and I just took her home. My dog is now her best friend.
I know that she is lonely and I would like to get something for her to keep he company.  I am able, after doing some research to get some fertile BR eggs.  Does anyone know how I can get her to set on them.  She has already laid her unfertile eggs this spring and has stopped laying. (I don't know how often they lay in a years time.)  I'm guessing that they do not lay like chickens????
If I were going to build a nest for her, what would I use ?  She is in  10x10x5 foot chain link fence cage.
Also, If I can't get her to set on these eggs, how and when could I put them with her if I have to incubate them?
I don't have to put another turkey with her if someone can recommend something that I could put in with her instead.  Thanks in advance for all your help.

Congrats on your hen. She will not set until she is ready. If you have an incubator, it would be best for you to incubate the eggs. You can try making a nest for her and placing the eggs in there but you will risk the chance of her not setting on the eggs at all and your eggs will go bad. Turkey hens are seasonal layers and they do not lay like chickens. Every place, region, state, city will be different. Mine lay very early and they don't stop until it's very late in the year.

Getting a tom, if you can, would be great for her. She will thank you for that.
I have a trio of Narragansetts, only one hen is laying. Today she layed her third egg, Saturday was her first. I have an incubator ready to go (they are actually sitting in a 55 degree room on the egg turner (with no heat). How long can I wait until I start incubating them? If I keep taking them away ( I have been leaving a chicken egg I colored like a turkey egg) will she keep laying?I'd like to start with 10 or so but that on this schedule will take like two more weeks plus. Will my first egg from Saturday still be fertile then, or should I start sooner?

Thank you so much for this thread!! I will be following it.
Here's my first stupid question. Why do my new hen and new tom love me and not each other? I understand they were both hand raised. Is it because they relate better to people?
Both are about the same age 6-9 months old-- I think --and so perhaps they are too inexperienced.

Second question: can I put turkey droppings on plants or does it have to mature like chicken manure?

Third question: Should I go ahead and apply invermectin as a precautionary or preventative measure? I see no signs of any type of infestation at this time.

Again, thank you. Kuntrygirl.
Thank you so much for this thread!! I will be following it.
Here's my first stupid question. Why do my new hen and new tom love me and not each other? I understand they were both hand raised. Is it because they relate better to people?
Both are about the same age 6-9 months old-- I think --and so perhaps they are too inexperienced.

Second question: can I put turkey droppings on plants or does it have to mature like chicken manure?

Third question: Should I go ahead and apply invermectin as a precautionary or preventative measure? I see no signs of any type of infestation at this time.

Again, thank you. Kuntrygirl.

Sorry that I"m just seeing your post but I haven't been on as much.

IF they were hand raised, they are social creatures, so they will love "people". I"m sure they love each other but they enjoy people company. Although they are still young, they will figure it out. LOL

I wouldn't put any droppings on there right away. I would wait a bit. Turkey poop is still a little "hot/potent", allowing it to "mature" a while would be best.

Why do you want to use ivermectin? Infestation of what? You can still dust them with Sevin Dust. It is summer time soon and the creepy crawleys are here.

I hope that this helps.

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