Turkeys 101 - New To Turkeys (What Do I Need To Know?)

Never mind, coop is built, fencing in place, turkeys moved from their basement studio apartment to their rustic country cottage!
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I have a question about separating poults and mom. I have a breeding pair of midget whites. Mom is excellent and I currently have 2 offspring that are about 5 months old and one that is 2 months old. (lost one today probably from cocci)

I really don't have enough room for more turkeys and I have found a home for all three offspring. The person will take them in about a week.

Should I hold on to the 8 week old until its older? I don't want to distress the hen with removing everyone at once. Also, the tom is hanging out with the other turkeys for a change perhaps because there is actually a flock now.

Maybe I am being too concerned and anthropomorphizing. Your thoughts please?
I've had chickens for years but this is my first time raising turkeys. I have two hens - BBB's - they were hatched and shipped to me the last week in April. I think one of my hens may be ready to start laying. She follows my husband around, litterally running to get close to him, he can put out his hand and she squats like my chickens do when waiting for a roo to mount them.

My "stupid" questions are: 1) Are turkeys like chickens and can lay without a tom?

2) can you eat turkey eggs (and HAVE you tried them)?

3) I'm assuming just like with chickens, these eggs are unfertilized without a tom therefore will not hatch?
I've had chickens for years but this is my first time raising turkeys. I have two hens - BBB's - they were hatched and shipped to me the last week in April. I think one of my hens may be ready to start laying. She follows my husband around, litterally running to get close to him, he can put out his hand and she squats like my chickens do when waiting for a roo to mount them.

My "stupid" questions are: 1) Are turkeys like chickens and can lay without a tom?

2) can you eat turkey eggs (and HAVE you tried them)?

3) I'm assuming just like with chickens, these eggs are unfertilized without a tom therefore will not hatch.

I'll have a go. First, sorry I am writing in your text box. Don't know why.
Although I've always had a mating pair, I am sure hens lay regardless. Yes, you need a tom t fertilize the egg.
I have tried them but it was awhile ago. They are said to be excellent for baking. I didn't like the consistency when I scrambled them so don't eat them. Also, my hen is such a good broody mom that I let her hatch her eggs most of the time. I figure she knows what she is doing. Last year I took the eggs away because I thought it would be too cold to raise chicks. In fact, I think those born in colder weather did better because they weren't prey to getting cocci. I'm no expert. These are my opinions.
I love turkeys. My tom is in love with me and follows me around. Doesn't care for men though.
Very informative. Thanks. I have a few questions. Here in central Texas I have had small flocks of chickens free ranging during for years but 4 months ago a Rio Grande Wild Texas Turkey Hen moved in. She is friendly and has adopted my chicken hens as her flock and very protective of them. We like her to stay around, but don't want to clip her wings as we have many predators and wonder if she will continue to be content as a lone turkey among chickens or if I should bring in another Turkey or turkeys. I don't raise my flocks for meat, just as pets and for eggs. My neighbor just got a pair of grown Eastern Wild turkeys ( Tom and Hen) and I am concerned that she may leave to join them one day.
Do you have a suggestion? I would like to raise a couple Rio Grande chicks by hand so they are friendly and when grown she will have company, only they are hard to come by this time of year. I cannot find grown Rio Grande Turkeys at this time either. Would she take to any kind of turkey? Would she be territorial and turn down the new comer or accept it? Should I get a Tom or hens for her?
Any advice appreciated. thanks.
Very informative. Thanks. I have a few questions. Here in central Texas I have had small flocks of chickens free ranging during for years but 4 months ago a Rio Grande Wild Texas Turkey Hen moved in. She is friendly and has adopted my chicken hens as her flock and very protective of them. We like her to stay around, but don't want to clip her wings as we have many predators and wonder if she will continue to be content as a lone turkey among chickens or if I should bring in another Turkey or turkeys. I don't raise my flocks for meat, just as pets and for eggs. My neighbor just got a pair of grown Eastern Wild turkeys ( Tom and Hen) and I am concerned that she may leave to join them one day.
Do you have a suggestion? I would like to raise a couple Rio Grande chicks by hand so they are friendly and when grown she will have company, only they are hard to come by this time of year. I cannot find grown Rio Grande Turkeys at this time either. Would she take to any kind of turkey? Would she be territorial and turn down the new comer or accept it? Should I get a Tom or hens for her?
Any advice appreciated. thanks.

If she is an actual wild turkey, you need to check your state G&F laws to find out what you can legally do. Most states prohibit owning wild turkeys without first getting a permit to own them. None of the states that I am aware of allow a person to just take possession of a wild animal.
Thanks for your concern, I appreciate your input. But I don't think she is really wild (even though that is part of her breed name) as she is extremely friendly to people and seems to hang out at the chicken coop like it is familiar to her. It is very common to raise , buy and sell both Rio Grande and Eastern turkeys and have spoken to farmers and searched on line but have found no evidence that permits are required to have a these turkeys, unless one is specifically raising "penned" turkeys to release into the wild. I don't hunt, breed or raise poultry anyway, I just have a small flock of chicken hens for eggs. I love wildlife and allow it on my land which is one of the pleasures of living in the country. We see turkeys both wild and raised grassing all around in our fields and farms. I really didn't take possession of her, she adopted us and is free range, I don't pen her and she can and does fly and is free to leave my property as she pleases. But she likes it here and everything I read suggest turkeys like to be with other turkeys so was considering getting her a friend and just wondered how she would adapt. We shall see. thanks again.
Seems to be a lot of wandering and finding of turkeys, she certainly isn't wild if she showed up and took up residence, she would probably appreciate some company though I've never introduced a turkey to another turkey, just young ones to older ones,would be interested in how it works out, and welcome to BYC, and to the turkey forum.
i have a hen turkey that has layed her eggs in the pasture close to the hen house it took me days to find her should i move her and her eggs to the turkey coop or just try and protect her where she is at? i have a medium sized dog crate that she will fit in should i just put her in that and leave her where she is at this is the first time she has gone broody so i dont know what to do ... definetly dont want something to get her we do have a lot of possums here and occasionally coyotes
Most will refuse to be relocated and will return to the site. If she's already incubating them I wouldn't try moving her. They are pretty good at hiding, if it was me and I wanted her to hatch I would leave her alone and hope nothing finds her.

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