Turkeys and Goats on same pasture


Jun 21, 2019
Hi everyone, I'm new to turkeys and goats but I'm playing around with the idea of having them share pasture. I know housing chickens and turkeys together can come with its own challenges, such as them sharing diseases, especially Histomoniasis/Blackhead. Then I had this idea that perhaps I could have my turkeys and goats share pasture, since goats like weeds and turkeys like grass. Does anyone know if something like this would work? I wouldn't think they could share diseases and having turkeys and maybe even a few guineas with the goats would protect them from the tick population in the area. I could also rotate the turkey's pasture ahead of or behind the goats, similarly to what others have done in order to have goats and sheep share pastures.

PS: I am also posting this question on the sister site Backyard Herds but wanted to get some experienced turkey farmers' opinions.

Thank you in advance. :)
Hi everyone, I'm new to turkeys and goats but I'm playing around with the idea of having them share pasture. I know housing chickens and turkeys together can come with its own challenges, such as them sharing diseases, especially Histomoniasis/Blackhead. Then I had this idea that perhaps I could have my turkeys and goats share pasture, since goats like weeds and turkeys like grass. Does anyone know if something like this would work? I wouldn't think they could share diseases and having turkeys and maybe even a few guineas with the goats would protect them from the tick population in the area. I could also rotate the turkey's pasture ahead of or behind the goats, similarly to what others have done in order to have goats and sheep share pastures.

PS: I am also posting this question on the sister site Backyard Herds but wanted to get some experienced turkey farmers' opinions.

Thank you in advance. :)
There should not be any problems especially if they aren't sharing the pasture at the same time. I suspect that they could share the pasture together at the same time without any major issues.

An acquaintance left her turkeys with a friend or relative that had goats. When she got her turkeys back, she was upset because her hen would not have anything to do with her tom. Apparently while at the friends place her turkey hen "fell in love" with one of the goats.

Good luck.
There should not be any problems especially if they aren't sharing the pasture at the same time. I suspect that they could share the pasture together at the same time without any major issues.

An acquaintance left her turkeys with a friend or relative that had goats. When she got her turkeys back, she was upset because her hen would not have anything to do with her tom. Apparently while at the friends place her turkey hen "fell in love" with one of the goats.

Good luck.
:lauThe heart wants what the heart wants!!!:love
Only problem I see is goats tearing everything (yes, everything!) Apart to get at the turkey feed. And maybe a little chasing and bullying of turkeys, lol. If you can handle those issues you should be fine
Only problem I see is goats tearing everything
I have always liked goats but don't keep any just because of the damage they would do to my bushes, trees, flowers, etc.

Goats aren't the only thing that will go after the chicken feed. I learned to keep the walk in door to the coop closed after I caught my horse in the coop helping himself to the poultry feed.
I have always liked goats but don't keep any just because of the damage they would do to my bushes, trees, flowers, etc.

Goats aren't the only thing that will go after the chicken feed. I learned to keep the walk in door to the coop closed after I caught my horse in the coop helping himself to the poultry feed.
Pigs are really bad about getting into feed, too. They don't get out as often as goats but when they do.... oh my. They'll knock the feed cans over and help themselves, break apart any fencing or structures you may have for poultry and help themselves, break apart water lines and play in their new "sprinklers". Some pigs will eat live chickens too, thankfully I only had one who did that and she never got out.

The goats you can at least lock the feed away inside trash cans in a shed or something. That doesn't work with pigs
I’m going to be doing this after winter, chickens and goats though! I used to have over 150 chickens 3 pigs, ducks and a peacock, but left my ex and that life behind but I’m ready to start again, super excited! Can’t wait to get my lil farm going! right now we just have 10 french Bulldogs and a mainecoon cat!
I’m going to be doing this after winter, chickens and goats though! I used to have over 150 chickens 3 pigs, ducks and a peacock, but left my ex and that life behind but I’m ready to start again, super excited! Can’t wait to get my lil farm going! right now we just have 10 french Bulldogs and a mainecoon cat!
I used to be chickenhead140 on here 10+ years ago but looks like that account can’t be found anymore.
10 French bulldogs, wow that's a lot. Hope they are nice to your goats and chickens
I'm away sick and this question gets all sorts of interesting responses. :) That's a good point about the feed and the sister site suggested rotating the goats first so that the turkeys would have more access to the ground for feeding on bugs. It's not a bad idea especially since goats like weeds and turkeys prefer grass. I'm using electric portable netting for everything as we have a fair amount of ground predators and rotating the pasture is a lot easier that way on my small scale. I personally want to try a few different types of turkeys, a few heritage breeds and a broad breasted, just to see how they each taste. I'm excited to start next year!

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