Turkin chick? Mystery chick


7 Years
Aug 24, 2015
Columbus, Ohio

Hello I received this mystery chick among a few more from McMurry, I have only one with a bald neck and I don't particularly like the look of a adult turkin
. I just wonder how it will taste in soup after a few years, chicken or turkey

P.S. It's around 4 weeks old
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yep, that's a naked neck.

If you don't care for them, I'd advise to sell it rather than raise it up. Some folks adore them for the novelty and will pay a decent price for them.
Please don't eat him. :-(

Dang, I've been trying to get some NN's for almost two years and McMurray is sold out each time! I'm sure somoeone would love to buy him or her from you! I would if I lived closer!
It has the same chance of getting eaten as the rest, I plan to keep them all for what I bought them for, eggs. After they slow way down or stop producing all together I will have them butchered and start a new flock, 2-3 years so I hear. I didn't think they were that rare of a bird, it Deff will be a funny looking chicken when it grows up. And will lay large brown eggs if it's a hen, same as my australorps so I have no reason to get rid of it.
Dont eat him! They lay beautiful green coloured eggs.

Green eggs? I thought turkens lay a large brown egg? As I said before I don't plan to eat it, well if it's a rooster I may sell it because I will have 2 roosters already that I ordered plus what ever is miss sexed out of the 45 birds I will have. 2-3 roosters will be perfect, anymore will be sold or soup lol.
they're supposed to lay brown eggs. there are folks working on projects of green egg laying naked necks, but you wouldn't get those through a hatchery.

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