Twin Cities Feed Stores


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 7, 2010
Twin Cities
Anyone know where I can get local feed in St. Paul, Minneapolis, or nearby? I don't want to drive too far if possible. Thanks in advance!
Southside Farm Store at 38th and Bloomington in South Minneapolis - Carries feed, grit and supplies. Their supplies are focused on the backyard chicken keeper so they don't have the big feeders/waterers. The nice thing is that they have oystershell and grit in bulk so you don't have to buy a 50lb bag. The service is great and it's like one of those little hardware stores where everything is packed in.

Urbanimal at Lyndale and Franklin in Uptown - Carries feed (organic and non) and oyster shell. They don't typically have starter but will special order if you need some. They have a store in St. Paul but I don't think they have the chicken feed there. Urbanimal also has a delivery service so you wouldn't have to drive anywhere.

Those are my local suppliers. Good luck!
Southside Farm Store is the closest, I will try that store first. Do you know how much the feed cost per bag or lbs? Do they carry starter feed also? Thanks
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Urgh! I can't remember how much their feed runs. I remember that it's more than what I pay when I go to the feed store in Waconia (game bird grower there is about $12-13 per bag @ 20% protien) but it's not expensive enough for me to think it's outrageous. Go ahead and give them a call, they're really nice about asking questions.

They have a nice, nonmedicated starter that's 22% protien in both bulk and 50lb bag. I don't think they carry medicated starter.

Do you have chicks coming in?
I am incubating some eggs for 2 days right now; I'm sure they will be hungry when they come out.

I hope most of them hatch!


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