Twin Pictures (Micky)

Tracy OMG
. 3 double embryo's, I have heard young hens tend to produce the double yolks as their reproduction systems are still stabilizing. I will do the same and try to video while trying to hatch them out. I wish mine had the air pockets yours have or I wouldn't be so worried. On yours I would wait till one pips, since the heads are in the right place but the confined space and breathing concerns me also. Wishing best of luck and will follow your thread. Triple the stress but triple the chances!
Tracy OMG
. 3 double embryo's, I have heard young hens tend to produce the double yolks as their reproduction systems are still stabilizing. I will do the same and try to video while trying to hatch them out. I wish mine had the air pockets yours have or I wouldn't be so worried. On yours I would wait till one pips, since the heads are in the right place but the confined space and breathing concerns me also. Wishing best of luck and will follow your thread. Triple the stress but triple the chances!
The large egg has 2 yolkes with a baby on each. The 2 smaller eggs are both sharing 1 yolk. The 2 smaller ones are all over the place and there air sac isnt as big as the larger one.. Yours on lock down tomorrow?
Yes, I am going to keep humidity at 40 percent on Friday, up it to around 65 percent on Saturday, then try to hatch out on Sunday morning. That would be about 36 hours earlier than the 21 day mark. Not sure if this will help or not but I do not want them to die because the air pocket is to small or they are turned towards the small end.

The following is my hatching strategy: On Sunday morning I will score a small hole at both ends and if no blood, remove as much of the shell, while wetting the membrane, to find the beak without disturbing the membrane. If one is alive I will open a little hole in the membrane to help it breath. Same if both are alive, then put them in a warmed baby wipe and back in the incubator to wait for the veins to dry up. I already have an extra brooder lamp so that the egg/chick/chicks will stay warm while I work in the bathroom with the shower running.

Does this sound appropriate? Any suggestions, comments, hints wold be helpful.
That's what I did! Not twins, but my chicks were shrinkwrapped for some reason so had to help them all. Good luck!

The following is my hatching strategy: On Sunday morning I will score a small hole at both ends and if no blood, remove as much of the shell, while wetting the membrane, to find the beak without disturbing the membrane. If one is alive I will open a little hole in the membrane to help it breath. Same if both are alive, then put them in a warmed baby wipe and back in the incubator to wait for the veins to dry up. I already have an extra brooder lamp so that the egg/chick/chicks will stay warm while I work in the bathroom with the shower running.

Does this sound appropriate? Any suggestions, comments, hints wold be helpful.
Pictures ive candled yesterday. Sorry there not very clear. you can see on a couple of them theres 1 on the left and another one in the right. today i candled and theres one chick at the pointy end
i was hoping it wouldnt do that.. Carrie's picture is so clear. never mind lol..

Hi Tracy, the pictures are great!
You can see them better than I could see mine. Good luck with all of them, it's getting pretty tight in there.
Thank you. Its so hard to take photos of them. I carnt believe theres another lady on here who has twins:D thats 3 of us! Year of the Twins. Lets hope some hatch.

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