Twin Pictures (Micky)

OMG no way! I just got back to BYC after a family emergency and I to have twins! well I have 2 sets of twins in my silkie eggs and one set of twins in my meaties! <3 Cant wait to see what happens!! They are on day 13 and all still thrivingg!

Awe shelby welcome to the Twin gang:D. Are yours from a young hen? I think thats why i have them as there mums and dad are only 26 weeks old! Have they got 2 yolkes or are they shareing?.. Ive got 1 with 2 yolkes (twins) and 2 with only one yolk (identical Twins) heres keeping fingers crossed also. And keep me updated on here. X
Well my one set looks like its sharing a yolk and the other 2 have seperate! No there actually not! LOL My birds are older...I rescue chickens (lame and loserish I know) but I LOVE old birds..they have such character. :) Plus they help me in my campaign against cancer! <3 I cant wait!
I was thinking about this and I am wondering something your vet might be able to answer or stump her to.....
The 1 egg you said has 2 yolks, I could see this egg hatching 2 healthy chicks maybe with some help but they at leased have a chance.

Now for the other 2 eggs you said they shared a yolk.... What happens in the final days when they obsorb the yolk? Will they both get some of it? Will 1 get all of it and 1 get none of it?

I have a theory and its just a theory as I am NOT an expert at hatching but..... I have heard it pretty common with twin eggs that a single chick may survive but the other does not. I am thinking maybe that the reason is they shared a yolk and 1 chick got all the yolk thus had the energy to move and hatch, while the other chick basicly starved before hatching due to lack of nutrition since the other chick had all the yolk...... Just curious what your vet might say about my theory. I don't have any vets around my area that will care for chickens I have found yet to ask this to.

Also I have 3 barred rocks all sisters, 1 of them at 8mths old suddenly went on a double yolk rampage and layed double yolkers for like 2 weeks strait then stopped and hasn't since and the other 2 have never layed double nor has any of my other birds...... I would love to get a double yolker or 2 to try to hatch them but when I am ready for them I get none! Its always the way....... LOL You get em when you don't want em and don't get them when do!
I was thinking about this and I am wondering something your vet might be able to answer or stump her to.....
The 1 egg you said has 2 yolks, I could see this egg hatching 2 healthy chicks maybe with some help but they at leased have a chance.

Now for the other 2 eggs you said they shared a yolk.... What happens in the final days when they obsorb the yolk? Will they both get some of it? Will 1 get all of it and 1 get none of it?

I have a theory and its just a theory as I am NOT an expert at hatching but..... I have heard it pretty common with twin eggs that a single chick may survive but the other does not. I am thinking maybe that the reason is they shared a yolk and 1 chick got all the yolk thus had the energy to move and hatch, while the other chick basicly starved before hatching due to lack of nutrition since the other chick had all the yolk...... Just curious what your vet might say about my theory. I don't have any vets around my area that will care for chickens I have found yet to ask this to.

Also I have 3 barred rocks all sisters, 1 of them at 8mths old suddenly went on a double yolk rampage and layed double yolkers for like 2 weeks strait then stopped and hasn't since and the other 2 have never layed double nor has any of my other birds...... I would love to get a double yolker or 2 to try to hatch them but when I am ready for them I get none! Its always the way....... LOL You get em when you don't want em and don't get them when do!
I know the feeling my one 5 year old hen went on a double yoker rampage. But thats ok good breakfast meals :) lol although I do have one of her eggs which is twins in my incubator that seems to be growing a ok!
I was thinking about this and I am wondering something your vet might be able to answer or stump her to.....
The 1 egg you said has 2 yolks, I could see this egg hatching 2 healthy chicks maybe with some help but they at leased have a chance.

Now for the other 2 eggs you said they shared a yolk.... What happens in the final days when they obsorb the yolk? Will they both get some of it? Will 1 get all of it and 1 get none of it?

I have a theory and its just a theory as I am NOT an expert at hatching but..... I have heard it pretty common with twin eggs that a single chick may survive but the other does not. I am thinking maybe that the reason is they shared a yolk and 1 chick got all the yolk thus had the energy to move and hatch, while the other chick basicly starved before hatching due to lack of nutrition since the other chick had all the yolk...... Just curious what your vet might say about my theory. I don't have any vets around my area that will care for chickens I have found yet to ask this to.

Also I have 3 barred rocks all sisters, 1 of them at 8mths old suddenly went on a double yolk rampage and layed double yolkers for like 2 weeks strait then stopped and hasn't since and the other 2 have never layed double nor has any of my other birds...... I would love to get a double yolker or 2 to try to hatch them but when I am ready for them I get none! Its always the way....... LOL You get em when you don't want em and don't get them when do!
Im in the dark as you are lol. Im hoping they will share the yolk. Im wondering if one has died already, i couldnt see 1 of them move but could see the veins moving still and thats on the single yolk chick.. Im hoping i can get some tips off carrie who has twins that are due today. Ill send you some of my eggs lol. They seem to be very fertile with lots of babies lol. I want to set some more after these as i only put 5 eggs in but im going to check for 2 yolks this time, the eggs are so small you wouldnt think to babies could be in there..
I've only just found this thread. The nerves when you are hatching single chicks are bad enough but you must have no fingernails left by now! Crazy! If I'm being totally honest I do fear the outcome may not be entirely wonderful, but I am hoping for the opposite for you and will be checking back anxiously for updates!
I've only just found this thread. The nerves when you are hatching single chicks are bad enough but you must have no fingernails left by now! Crazy! If I'm being totally honest I do fear the outcome may not be entirely wonderful, but I am hoping for the opposite for you and will be checking back anxiously for updates!
Awe thanks highlander you have been a good BYF. Remember my first hatch i was a bag of nerves lol.. Well this time i thought i would hatch some of my own eggs as my chickens had been laying for about 2 weeks. I didnt know about the twins till about the 12th week! Plus these pullet eggs are small.. I fear there not going to survive either.. I realy want to set some more but im worried for twins again. The chickens these are off are a white star and 2 silver laced wynodottes. I might have to just use the eggs of my silkies. My marans are 4 weeks old now and i cant wait to get eggs off them..x
Ok day 16 and ive candled. I know i said i wouldnt till day 18 but i really wanted to know if the egg with no movement was dead. Anyway there is one not moving at all and the othere is still moving so i know i have lost one there. The big egg is too dark to see anything but i do see the veins pulsating. The last one is worrying too, one chick is at the large end and its beak is nearly pearcing the airsac, the other one is at the side but not at the point end. Im wondering if these are going to hatch early cos there far to big or they both might just die. All i wanted was to hatch 5 of my own chickens not worrying about twins! I dont have the heart to cull these eggs :(
Well checked all my eggies this morning and we were all ok! :) Plus I got some good news from my sister..BELIEVE IT OR NOT... we found out shortly after christmas she was expecting (after trying for 2 years they did AI.) Well as luck would have it on BYC she is expecting two little ones! <3 Dont know the gender yet! There identical from what the doctor said because they are sharing an sac I guess. ( I was not there :( )
When I am setting my own eggs I don't candle them before hand. #1 - I know they are fertile and #2 - I know they are not scrambled.   Now I do check ones I get shipped to me to see if they were scrambled in the process.  So I would not know if I had a double yolk in an egg until it was too late.

I don't candle mine either. I can tell by size. I have one on my kitchen counter right now. A double yolk is a lot bigger then a single yolk. You can tell just by looking at the size of the egg. I will post a pic when I get back home.

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