Twin Pictures (Micky)

I agree with the others....keep your head held high and hatch on! You didn't know they were double yolks and there are so many of us who approve and support you.

Don't let a few people ruin this whole experience.
Great news on your sisters baby!
I too have read your entire thread and agree, please dont cancel this thread. I look forward to reading about your babies.
There are a lot of us out here rooting for you and the chicks. I'm guilty of just lurking, but I read every update hoping for the best. We can all learn from this, so please keep sharing.

Best wishes for your sister and baby too.

Thank you. Its so hard to take photos of them. I carnt believe theres another lady on here who has twins:D thats 3 of us! Year of the Twins. Lets hope some hatch.

Please don't cancel just ignore the people who are mean and judgemental goof luck we will be waiting for the outcome :)
Im keeping going. I dont mind people saying there will probley die its the ones who said i hatched these knowing there were twins. Ok here goes.:D big smile, breath and forget them lol.
Going to candle tonight and see whats going on with these babies. Has anyone heard any news on the silkie twins?
Just ignore them! Those posts are more about "look how much more I know about this than all of you" than actually helping anyone! I mean really, I LOVE chickens, but when it comes down to it, I don't see the moral high ground of not setting a double yolker. They exist in nature and (even when it comes to people babies) I am all about everyone having the CHANCE to survive! If you don't set them they don't even have a shot! You gave them the best shot at life they could have. And, even if you did know they were double, it's YOUR babies to doom (not set) or give a chance to (set)! It may not work, but you gave them a chance, and every life deserves that. The only downside to setting them is the emotional attachment - OUCH - I feel for you! The rest of us are with you in this!
Just ignore them! Those posts are more about "look how much more I know about this than all of you" than actually helping anyone! I mean really, I LOVE chickens, but when it comes down to it, I don't see the moral high ground of not setting a double yolker. They exist in nature and (even when it comes to people babies) I am all about everyone having the CHANCE to survive! If you don't set them they don't even have a shot! You gave them the best shot at life they could have. And, even if you did know they were double, it's YOUR babies to doom (not set) or give a chance to (set)! It may not work, but you gave them a chance, and every life deserves that. The only downside to setting them is the emotional attachment - OUCH - I feel for you! The rest of us are with you in this!

Thank Yooooooou
.. I cant wait to candle them tonight... the small ones are silverlaced wynadottes and if they hatch there going to be so cute & small. i thought one was a BR but after collecting the eggs and looking at the colour of the egg its probebly a SLW.
No more news on the silkie twins. This is very interesting to me, and if they've made it this far, they COULD make it. I've read some that have, so it's better that they've had a chance, than not at all.
Update update! I dont know where to start im sooooo excited:D. Ive just candle about 15mins ago. Ok candled the bigger egg and theres still 2 wrigglers AND 2 airsacs!! Ive taken a photo to show you all. I will have to put it on tomorrow as im on the ipad and dont have a lead so when im at work i will post it. Theres the airsac at the big end as normal and one totaly on its own on the side of the egg. Egg 2 has 2 babies that are moving still and i think they might have a yolk each and not 1 between them, its so hard to tell. Egg 3 are still not moving so i think ive lost them. And egg 4 my normal egg with 1 baby is doing fine too. Because i want to hatch some more but to worried i get twins again ive just ordered 12 eggs on ebay, seramas, dutch and pekins. Just incase lol :lol:

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