Twin Pictures (Micky)

If it were me, I would help as soon as it pips. I hope it goes well for you and them!!!
Thank you. I just need to see that pip so i know when to help. Do any of you guys think i should leave them for a while before i start helping them or should i help soon as its pipping? I dont want to lose any of these twins.
Thanks for that everyone, i realy wish it was 70 deg here carrie, no its 7 degrees:(. My maran pullets need to go outside but its too cold brrrrrrrrrr.. ;)
I think Carrie has a good plan. I just went through this because I had a single chick that had pipped for over 24 hours with no action on actually hatching. I decided to help and boy did it bleed. So I let it sit for hours, tried again, and it bled again. In the end I helped it out but I think I jumped the gun (my first hatch, I was excited!) and I probably should have waited longer to help. The chick is totally fine, but I think jumping the gun on helping it caused unecessary bleeding, weakened it and made it need help in the end when it may not have needed any without my interference. Maybe if you get their beaks some access to air leave it at that and be patient. That being said - I HAVE NO IDEA what you should do! That was just my experience with "helping".

Here is a question for the more experienced peeps on here...
If a chick can breath actual air - like you can see beak - should you just leave it indefinately? When do you help out a chick that is definately breathing? And keep in mind that most people on this thread are not the "if it can't hatch itself let it die" type of peeps!
I'm far from experienced, but when I helped my chicks hatch, it had been over 24 hours. In my mind, if they have a pip hole and you can see their beak, hear peeps etc and they are making no progress, there has to be a reason, in my case they were totally shrinkwrapped.
One of my dreams is to hatch twins. You've got some rare eggs there. Hopefully they will both manage through, it is very rare. Good luck! I give them my blessing.
Im taking everybodys advice on board
going to just have to play it by here.. Im just worried if one has pipped then i know the other one is trying to pip too but dosnt have an airsac.

My nerves are shot lol, every time i go past the incubater i keep shining the torch on the eggs to see if theres any movement!.

Day 19 today


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