Twin Pictures (Micky)

mstricer: With no offense, I just want to explain to you why many interpreted that you were being slightly mean spirited. Way back in this thread you had said something like Tracy "knew it was a double yolker and you set it anyway to see what would happen". Can you see that could be seen as calling her a liar? And in a judgemental tone you have repeated that double yolkers should not be set, even though you are clearly on a thread with people who are interested in that and who believe that life deserves a shot even if the statistics are against it. No offense - truly - no offense, but these are the reasons people are reacting that way. I am not trying to be inflammatory in any way, I just think you deserve to know why people (or at least I speak for myself!)reacted that way.

Good luck Tracy! Rooting for you!
Go chickies go!

Tracy chick I hope all goes well and you have a good hatch. That being said, I need to clarify something, to all who think just because someone might have a different opinion then everyone else doesn't make them MEAN and judgemental, accusing someone of being mean for a opinion is mean, it wasn't to accuse or bring anyone down from their excitement. It was that I was stating a fact. I hope you have wonderful hatch. Michele
MA Mama: I thought her post was quite harsh and accusatory, also. There are ways of getting your point across (if you must) without sounding like you're talking down to someone.
To all my friends and people who are supporting me thank you soooo much. You mean a lot to me.. Xxxxxxxxxx

Still no sound. The little monkeys are going to wait till im asleep lol :lol:
To all my friends and people who are supporting me thank you soooo much. You mean a lot to me.. Xxxxxxxxxx
Still no sound. The little monkeys are going to wait till im asleep lol

I wish you the very best, Tracy! Get some rest, they'll come when the time is right.. I have found they may come a day or so late at 99.5 F. I just hatched 19 on Monday and Tues that were due Sunday. (I set them on a Sunday). #19 came just yesterday! (Thursday) He was a surprise! LOL I may try the next batch at 100 or 100.5

This is forever a learning experience for me, but it's so much fun!!
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I wish you the very best, Tracy! Get some rest, they'll come when the time is right.. I have found they may come a day or so late at 99.5 F. I just hatched 19 on Monday and Tues that were due Sunday. (I set them on a Sunday). #19 came just yesterday! (Thursday) He was a surprise! LOL I may try the next batch at 100 or 100.5

This is forever a learning experience for me, but it's so much fun!!
I totaly agree with you, i think i will hatch a bit higher next time. Im getting my sebright, polish, OEG, pekin & dutch eggs next week so they better just hurry up and hatch lol :lol:
U honestly can't believe how mean spirited some ppl are being it makes me not want to post questions or problems not everyone knows everything some of us are new some of us are just starting and I read these things to learn but I am half tempted to stay away as it makes me sad to see ppl be this way
Don't stay away... I have only been on here a month or so and waaaaaaaay more people have been supportive than anything else! I have posted some pretty stupid questions and people were very helpful with this newbie! Most people understand that this is a website called "Backyard Chickens" not "People with PhD's In Poultry Who Know Everything" !!!!

U honestly can't believe how mean spirited some ppl are being it makes me not want to post questions or problems not everyone knows everything some of us are new some of us are just starting and I read these things to learn but I am half tempted to stay away as it makes me sad to see ppl be this way
U honestly can't believe how mean spirited some ppl are being it makes me not want to post questions or problems not everyone knows everything some of us are new some of us are just starting and I read these things to learn but I am half tempted to stay away as it makes me sad to see ppl be this way

This is not common here on BYC. I have always found most everyone is very helpful and encouraging so I wouldn't let this keep you away. Stick around awhile, you'll see how much fun and uplifting the people are and you'll make lots of new friends too!

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