Twin Pictures (Micky)

U honestly can't believe how mean spirited some ppl are being it makes me not want to post questions or problems not everyone knows everything some of us are new some of us are just starting and I read these things to learn but I am half tempted to stay away as it makes me sad to see ppl be this way

Dont let narrow minded people put you off! Theres only a handfull and i got them all lol. Ive learnt to ignore them. Please please stay with us you will love it here, ive made lots of good friends and have learnt so much. .. On my first hatch i had poor highlander with me every step of the way keeping me sane lol. What chickens do you have? Ive only had chickens for about a year now and i love them so much.. Tracy xxx:)
I have 2 silkies, a white one and a black one. There so placid and kind natured i love them too bits. I have 8 chicks at 4 weeks old and thought i had a RIR but im not so sure now, i think its a buff orpington.. I have 4 eggs in the bater now and theres 2 that will be mutts lol but ive heard there the best layers..
You girls keep talking about silkies and I want some soooo bad. I have been avoiding Tractor Supply like the plague, because if I see them I won't be able to resist. LOL. Trying to wait for warmer weather in Ohio.
Still hoping and praying for everyones little twins.
can't pry myself away from this computer.
Tracey the chick, I hope you have a great hatch & that your twins make it! So exciting!! I too am hatching out chicks (right now as I type actually!!) but I have no twins. It is super nerve wracking to me, I'd be out of my mind if I had twin eggs!!! So far out of my 15, 8 have hatched #9 should hatch anytime now. It is so very exciting when you actually get to day 21.
Good luck & go chickies!!!
Aww thats great news. I wish i was watching my babies hatching right now lol. Its the best feeling ever i think, even my husband was interested :lol: I cant keep my eyes off that incubater! Good thing is im babysitting my 3 year old nephew tomorrow so he will keep me occupied lol.. Pictures please. ;). X
Go little twins go.
Everybody want to see pictures of you.

Tracy keep up hope and patience.

I'll cross my fingers for you and the little chicks that they come out in good shape.
You girls keep talking about silkies and I want some soooo bad.  I have been avoiding Tractor Supply like the plague, because if I see them I won't be able to resist. LOL.  Trying to wait for warmer weather in Ohio.
 Still hoping and praying for everyones little twins. :caf  can't pry myself away from this computer.

I'm just across the river... It is warm for Ohio (in February :).). Why wait?
I'm just across the river... It is warm for Ohio (in February
.). Why wait?

I have my incubator ordered. Going to order some hatching eggs. Was just afraid they would freeze in the mail. And I'm not having too much luck with the post office cooperating lately. LOL ... Believe me I am fairly dying for more babies.
I wish you the very best, Tracy! Get some rest, they'll come when the time is right.. I have found they may come a day or so late at 99.5 F. I just hatched 19 on Monday and Tues that were due Sunday. (I set them on a Sunday). #19 came just yesterday! (Thursday) He was a surprise! LOL I may try the next batch at 100 or 100.5

This is forever a learning experience for me, but it's so much fun!!

I have a homemade incubator and the temp run around 97 to 104 and mine hatch on time or early sometime. Hope they don't come to soon this time for I am not all the way ready for them.

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