Twin Pictures (Micky)

They make you and all of us wait.

It's so exiting to hear about the progress they make.

At least they are rocking.

Come on chickies, come and show us how beautyfull you are.
There rocking that much my husband said we should call them " Mick & Jagger" lol... Hopefuly the baby who is pipping away hurrys up and hatches then she can go play with the twins eggs :lol:
Sorry guys still the same. Twins are still rocking in one egg, pipped egg is chirping away. Soon as the twins pip me & my husband are going to pip the other end to give the upside down chick a chance as thats what kills them. Ive even sat one of my 4 week old chicks on my knee next to the incubater hoping it will spur them on lol.
Think im sleeping on the sofa tonight!

I did the same thing with the eggs in my incubator two days ago. I put Miss Pretty's beak right up to the ventilation hole and let her chirp for a while.....Anything to help them realize there is a world out here waiting for them!
The suspense is killing me. I cannot even imagine what you are feeling.

You should be very proud to have gotten the twins this far, rocking is good, but making it to this point is amazing.

Isn't it incredible that you can stuff two babies in one egg? I looked and mine (singletons) when they hatched and fluffed up and thought "How in the heck did you even fit in there?"

Best of luck!!!!
Ok panic attack coming on! One of the twins has pipped! But i have a problem and you wont believe it! It has pipped at the wrong end! Its beak keeps poking out and chirping. I cant see a pip at the large end yet :rolleyes: should i leave it? Theres no blood or anything, its took a small round piece of shell off and theres just a white membrane with a little clear beak poking out :D its not shrink wrapped either. I feel sick! Its nearly 11.00 at night here and my husband has gone to bed! :/
Get in there!
It makes sense that it pipped at the wrong end, they can't both be facing the right way.

Oh my nerves....keep us posted.
Not a stupid question at all. I asked the same question about a month or so ago under the premise that the egg shell is permeable. I was worried about lead poisoning. But somebody pointed out that most pencils are made from graphite. ( I knew this!) LOL
My first normal chick has hatched :lol: it has a bit if red like jelly on its bum? I cant remember seeing that on my last hatch. The chick has rolled all the other eggs so i cant see the twin! Little bugger ;). Ok coffee number 3 coming up! X

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