
My ducks do that when they are preening their wing feathers. And when they get out of the pool too. Not exactly sure what it means.
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I often wondered this - I think I read somewhere they twitch after bathing and preening to help everything "fall back into place"
He looks like he's trying to quack or take off flying... Ours jiggle like that right before taking off flying (we have Mallards currently)... Is he nervous about something maybe? A nearby male he's showing off for? The neighbors cat?

That's not the typical "jiggling after a bath", that's more pronounced, IMO anyway..

Edit* I consulted DH with the video (I'm the chicken lady, he's the duck man lol) and he says its perfectly normal. It's the duck version of " restless leg syndrome " ha-ha; they're exercising their wing muscles, usually after sitting for a while or when they're young and learning how to use their wings. Just keeping their flight muscles ready to go. ;)
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Both of my WH twitch their wings too, odd mannerism I thought, but settling feathers right could be the reason. ?

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