Two Bantams .... Breed and Gender Ideas


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 2, 2014
NorthWest Arkansas

I picked up 6 Bantams from TSC in late April and I'm hoping to figure out what their breeds are. I have two that are "stumping" me (being new to the whole "Chicken Mama" role and all).

My hubby (at first) was "oh good, lord ... MORE chickens!" but when he saw them he instantly claimed 4 for his own! Two of those 4 are my "conundrum" for assigning a breed. The first is a black chick, my hubby swears he is a boy (not knowing anything about sexing chickens except that what he "deems")! Ha ha. This chick's name is Diambag and he has white wing tips, a yellow/orange comb, and a white face but black around his eyes. My guess for "him" is a "White Faced Black Spanish"? DH thinks he's a boy because his tail feathers are already an impressive length for his age (only comparison I have for this argument is the 6 pullets we bought in early March of this year and none of them had long tail feathers). So... is he a "he" and what breed do you think he is?

My second "conundrum" would be who my hubby named Valeria. "She" started out as a speckled faced brown/dark chick but has grown into one of the biggest of the group with striking white/black features (more so than my 2 Barred Rocks from my early March flock). She has feathers on her feet (and please excuse the pic of her "smoking" ... I was not happy to see she was only too eager to find all the cig buds on the ground

Also ... as and added bonus for me ... does anyone agree with my belief that I'm showing a buff and a light brahma chicks in the "Valeria's smoking pic"? I've named them Nugget (bc she's gold color) and Itty Bitty (bc she was the tiniest little chick I've ever seen and was/is the smallest of this Bantam group).

Black with white wing tips - Diambag ... my guess is a White Faced Black Spanish
All black (he has yellow on the bottom of his feet & a white line going down his belly) but other than that he is ALL black- Eddie (VanHallen) - my guess is a Black Jersey Giant
Black/White with feathers on her feet- Valeria (Eddie's girl) -????????
Brown with HUGE feathers coming off her feet - Rita (Diambag's girl) - my guess is a Partridge Cochin
Tan/Black with feathers on feet - Nugget - my guess is a Buff Brahma
Black/White with feathers on feet - Itty Bitty - my guess is a Light Brahma

I appreciate the insight/guessing/comments.

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Black bird in back is probably a Black Australorp, but many black breeds look similar until they grow in their adult feathers.

I'm not sure whether the white in his feathers is going to be his adult color pattern, since most black birds start out with at least some white feathers. I think it it just going to be a wait-and-see as to what breed he turns out to be. Could be an Australorp, Old English Game, Black Andalusian, or a White Faced Black Spanish. Cockerel.

My second "conundrum" would be who my hubby named Valeria. "She" started out as a speckled faced brown/dark chick but has grown into one of the biggest of the group with striking white/black features (more so than my 2 Barred Rocks from my early March flock). She has feathers on her feet (and please excuse the pic of her "smoking" ... I was not happy to see she was only too eager to find all the cig buds on the ground

White/black feather footed bird in back: Light Brahma. Black chicks: see above. Buff chick: Buff Brahma. Black/white chick in lower right: Dark Brahma cockerel (probably).

I appreciate the insight/guessing/comments.

I agree that the second one is a Brahma...but I'm thinking the first one is a Japanese Birchen. I have one just like it. :)
I love your Brahmas, as for the breeds of the rest i'm stumped.
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