Two batches - one broody


11 Years
Jan 30, 2008
Middletown, NJ
Hi - received some eggs by mail and they are now seven and nine days into incubation. Eight are under a broody - I count at least five viable under her, and eight are in the incubator, although I'm unsure of the number there. (Need a stronger light, plus I'm not too good at that. It never does look like the pictures, does it?) I imagine that I will lose some from each batch. Being that they are due to hatch two days apart (on the 26 and 28 of this month) is it feasible to put all of the viable eggs from both batches under the hen once I determine viability at a later date? (Let's assume not more than twelve are viable by, say, day 14.)

I have had hatchlings attack their younger siblings as they hatched out - does this happen with a broody, or does she keep them in line? If there is any question, I will keep the later batch in the bator as they are now.

Thanks all!
I'd keep then separate. Once the first chicks she hatches need to eat and drink, she'll take them off the nest and abandon the unhatched eggs.

It is very possible you can give her the later hatchers and she will raise them with the others. You are dealing with living animals so you can never be sure how that will work out, but it is possible. I'd try it.

Good luck!!!
Thank you! I had a feeling that might be the case. She's in a very big guinea pig cage inside room right now, so she wouldn't be going out. It's just really nice having the broody do all the work. I'm sure the hatch rate is much better, as well.

Thanks again!

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