Two month old pullets??


6 Years
Mar 27, 2013
savannah TN
Between the breast and neck area seems to be a a lump maybe there crawl or where they store food?? Seems big as a golf ball sometimes. Does this sound normal or is there something I need to do?? Some seem larger than others. was kinda worried if they had enough gravel intake or not.

kansas bow hunter.
pickwick lake is home though.
Yep, it's their crop, where they store food before it heads down into the digestive system. It is fuller/emptier depending on how much they've eaten recently.
Yes that is normal. I like making sure my 7 week olds have a full crop before bed now that they are out in the coop and the temps dip a bit lower.

Last night I gave them cooked oatmeal at dusk so their crops would fill up and give them complex carbs to digest slowly all night (also to help keep them warm).
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