Two silkie Questions


8 Years
Jun 30, 2011
Easton, MD
First.. We just got them yesterday. They are 4 days old today. All are doing well but one. Is it ok to handle them a little?

Two.... When it is time to transition outside, can they go with the big chickens? If not... when?

Thank you so much
yes its fine to handle them if the start to shake put them back
and they should be atleast 4weeks old before they can go outside
i got mine yester day too i got two 2 month olds and 5 10 day olds from a breeder and there silkies
Can they go with the big chickens at 4 weeks? Our 3 hens, are free range of the back yard and we lock them in the playhouse at night. We have a small chicken wire coop under the swingset they could start out in for day time. It is where we keep our rehabs, but we only have a single baby bunny now, which will be relased in the next couple of weeks.

Congratulations on your Silkies
I love them little but cannot wait to see them grow
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Yes you can pick them up. They are very easy to tame. I'd wait a month or two before putting them outside and I wouldn't put them with other chickens unless they are bantams. Mine do well with bantam cochins.
Handle them from day one if you can - just for a few minutes at a time at first.
Will they be going out with LF or bantams? If bantams, then I'd put them out when they are at least getting close in size to the others. If large fowl, then I'd be very careful and watchful, and I'd keep them apart quite a bit longer... Silkies are generally very submissive/low on the pecking order. And with their small size, I'd give ample time for the big chickens to get use to them (maybe with a divider in the run once they are old enough to go outside all day).
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They are full sized hens. I think they are young because we have had them 3 weeks and only one shell-less egg
. We took one to show them and held it and they seemed disinterested.
Silkies? Do not put them out with full-sized chickens, unless you have a very protective rooster who will lay down the law.
Good luck with yours!
i have a silkie who is out with full size hens. it helped because I had a broody bantum and she raised it. So mama protected it from the begining. no mama ignores it and the others do too.

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