Two week old bantam chick has crooked neck/ spine

She's been getting 4x a day small pea sized dollops of goat gel, 1 vitamin e gel capsule squeezed into her mouth and also .5 ml of high level vitamin b complex injected once daily. It's been 4 days of treatment. I know wry neck can take time to get completely better, I just wanted to see if this is wry neck, or a neck injury.
Wry neck is one of those things that can take days to weeks to get better, and if there is a hereditary component, sometimes it doesn’t. Mixing some wet chick feed with a tiny bit of egg is good to use if you feed it to her.
I have good chick starter available and have also wet mash baby parrot feed in there. Also liquified hardboiled egg yolk. They're all eating and drinking everything, including her. I just see it getting worse and not better. She's from TSC, can a chick from a hatchery have Marek's? Newcastle? Any other disease that a hatchery shouldn't have in their birds or eggs or hatcheries in general?! :/
Everyone else is fine, she's the only bantam cochin in the brooder. It may be bad parent stock.
It is not Mareks if she is a young chick. The very minimum age for Mareks to occur is 3-4 weeks old, and it usually strikes later. Newcastles would be very doubtful. A bad hatch or shipping stress to the feed store could have been a problem, poor genetics, almost anything could be a problem. If she isn’t separated, I would for less stimulation and noise. Since it can be time consuming to care for, some might cull. But it might get better with some more time.
It is not Mareks if she is a young chick. The very minimum age for Mareks to occur is 3-4 weeks old, and it usually strikes later. Newcastles would be very doubtful. A bad hatch or shipping stress to the feed store could have been a problem, poor genetics, almost anything could be a problem. If she isn’t separated, I would for less stimulation and noise. Since it can be time consuming to care for, some might cull. But it might get better with some more time.
I won't cull her. I will try and treat her, see if she's getting better.

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