tyeps of quail eggs


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 17, 2014
A while ago my female button quail was laying eggs, they where all white is that the normal color or will they just be white. If posibel could you show me some pictures of different coloured eggs thanks.
buttons will lay several colored eggs but normal egg color is brown with speckles. Are these young or old birds? The color can be effected by diet too.
Are you sure its a Button?
Thanks I am pretty sure they are Button, they are probably about 8 months old, I just feed them normal quail food and they get a variety of greens and eat my canaries millet
Try giving them oyster shell. The white may just be thin shelled eggs which didn't pick up pigment. Never had a button lay a white egg though, always brown, green, or blue.
I think you might not have buttons/Chinese Blue Breasted quail. Courtenix lay white eggs. buttons are usually brown speckled, sometimes a bit blue or pale but can be white if laid too soon so the pigment is not added in the laying process. Do you have photos of the birds and eggs? that would help.
Sorry I was told that they were the same, how big are courtenix because she is pretty small, sorry can not get any pictures but her eggs were as white as paper. My new female is creamy.Thanks
I think you might not have buttons/Chinese Blue Breasted quail. Courtenix lay white eggs. buttons are usually brown speckled, sometimes a bit blue or pale but can be white if laid too soon so the pigment is not added in the laying process. Do you have photos of the birds and eggs? that would help.
NUH UHH. I get maybe one Mostly white egg out of 1000, most are speckled, some are light brown and speckled.
NUH UHH. I get maybe one Mostly white egg out of 1000, most are speckled, some are light brown and speckled.
duh you sir (or madame) are correct...I must have had on my blinders that day...I know a friend who has bobwhites I think or anyway another type of quail that lays white shelled eggs. I just know that buttons do the darker brown with speckles and sometimes pale blue or other hues. I just wonder if this is a button or if it is a nutrition problem.
duh you sir (or madame) are correct...I must have had on my blinders that day...I know a friend who has bobwhites I think or anyway another type of quail that lays white shelled eggs. I just know that buttons do the darker brown with speckles and sometimes pale blue or other hues. I just wonder if this is a button or if it is a nutrition problem.

I knew you knew better, just had to call your attention to it...

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