Tylan 50 Injectables question


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 8, 2010
Hello all, sorry if I have a stupid question but I just want to be absolutely sure before I use this product.

On the box it said for cattle and swine only. I asked the guy who was selling it to me; he advised I shouldn't use it. But is this drug safe to use on chickens and is this the drug you use on your chickens? Here's a pic of the same product I purchased.

Again I'm sorry if this seems like a novice question. Also, what symptoms are the red flag so to speak to absolutely use this product. Right now my chickens are sneezing and have a runny nose and a bit of congestion (raspy squawk). I don't know if the raspy squawk is a trait of the type of chicken (Delaware pullets) but any advice would be extremely appreciated.
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That's the stuff. Many of the over the counter meds used on chickens are labeled for cows or pigs.
You'll need a syringe with a needle to draw the med out of the bottle.
You don't need to inject it, but can if you want to. It CAN be given orally. (as per reading online and according to my vet)

It's used for respiratory illness/infections. Some of those infections may be viral and will have to run their course, but often they develop secondary infections and this will help with that.

I give 1/4cc to 1/2cc for pullets (adjust by age/size. Half grown to nearly full grown can do 1/2cc, etc) , 1/2 to 1cc for adult birds, depending on size. Large sized adults (brahmas, etc), I'd go for 3/4 to 1cc.

I give it orally. I draw it out with a syringe, then use small dosing syringes to give it to them. I just "inject" the dosage into the smaller, needless syringe after drawing the dry dosing syringe back to the right dose, stick the needle in the small hole at the end, fill up the dose.
They can be tricky to dose orally... wrapping in a towel works best. There's also usually less of a struggle if you pull them off the roost at night. I make sure I get the syringe all the way to the back of their throat and even *down* it a little, to bypass their trachea so they don't inhale it.

I have given it to them by injection... but have read conflicting information on whether to inject into muscle(breast) or under the skin. I opted for under the skin at the back of the neck... the ones dosed this way were easy to inject (didn't even flinch), but were obviously sore and didn't want to move their necks much until the next morning. (it's a very thick med and will need a 20gauge or 22gauge needle) If I tried it again, I'd probably choose somewhere other than the neck... maybe the wing web OR just under the skin on the breast...but not into the muscle.

I would use Tylan 50 on birds that were sneezing, raspy, gaping to breathe and/or had nasal discharge with it. Particularly if they acted listless or their behavior wasn't up to par... especially if this went on for more than two or three days.

Give the dosage for 5-7 days...but, if you haven't seen any improvement in 3 days, what you're treating may not be sensitive to Tylan.
Watery eyes and noses are the things that seem to dry up first, and then sneezing lessens. Usually, they act much perkier by day 3.
How long I've dosed them kinda depends on the symptoms. If there is sneezing, I usually go 2-3 days after the last 'sick sneeze' is noticed.

I wouldn't think a raspy squawk is a trait of any birds. But if they have an infection, that can make them sound odd... even make a rooster's crow very sickly sounding. Pick them up and listen to their chests (like an ear muff!), do you hear clicking or rattling, or raspy breathing?
I use this on my bantams .25cc 2xs a day. a standard .35 2xs a day. It works fast! The powder takes longer but it blows me away the way it works. My avain vet told me to use this or powder. It was the best for respitory.
forgot...yes I injest it in the back of the neck or 1/4 to the side of the breast bone. And yes you can use drops inthe mouth too. I also use it in infected eyes. I drop it in with the syringe. Good luck!
I used this on my hen that had crop surgery and aspirated during the procedure. She was a bit wheezy. I gave her one injection of 1/4cc per day for three days. Total recovery. Good stuff. (For injection, I used a small gauge needle and pulled up the loose skin under her wing and held it in a "pinch" between thumb and forefinger. I injected carefully into the flap of skin I had pinched up.)
In my experience most heavier antibiotics are given through an IV, straight into the bloodstream. Interesting question though.

I've read people report injecting into the dermal layers or into the breast itself.
I have been using Tylan 50 on my chickens and ducks for the past 4 months. I started out giving it to them orally, but then finally started doing injections. Just injected another one of my chickens a few minutes ago. I have given the injections to my seramas, bantams, RIR and muscovy duck as well. Never had any problems.
for what kind of problems having you been having for 4 months and how much are you injecting and where?

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