Uggo Fan Page


11 Years
Mar 27, 2012
First, let's start with "WHAT IS AN UGGO?"​

An UGGO is ... ugly poultry.
Usually necked necked, but not always so.

Showgirls can be considered uggos as well as pure bred birds...

This page is to share pictures and funny antics of your uggos.​

Be kind and courteous to each other because beauty is in the eye of the beholder!​

Show me your UGGOS!!!!
Heh heh

You know, when I had aquariums one of my favorite fish was the hypostomus plecostomus. So ugly they were cute. But I'm still not getting an uggo.
I also like plecos! I was shocked the first time I saw a bristol nosed one!

They are so big and beautiful now! *sniff* brings a tear to my eye!
I loveee that they both came out frizzled and blue!
They are super spoiled!
And this page is totally in honor of you!
Uggo birds and an equally Ugly cat!
Never cared much for flat faced cats...
RaZ- she turned out kinda purdy! Does she have a vaulted skull? like a showgirl?

Just FYI... Ben and Jerry's has an ice cream called Stephen Colbert's AmeriCone Dream
Anywho... the choclate covered waffle cone peices look like chicken poo... makes it kinda hard to eat... but it does taste yummy...
Randy look how purdy your Uggos grew up to be! Even if they grew to standard size instead of banty!
And now that you have all insulted Princess- let the guilt consume you. She came to my work with a helmet- her fur was so matted and filthy, that it was solid- you could knock on it and she made a hollow sound. The man didnt want her anymore because she was no longer producing enough babies in her litters. Her tummy was urine-scalded, she was seven years old. His last name was one letter off from my kids last name,his first name was the same as my first husbands and her name was "Princess Tiffany". My daughter Tiffany used to be called "Princess" by her dad.
So, some people have guardian angels, some people find fortune after their spouses pass away,,,,nope- mine gave us a cat. I would have turned them away if the cat would have had a different name- or if he would have had a different name.
And my other cats pick on her- and chase her. She is such a scaredy cat. She loves attention, but poor thing hides all day. In my face when I am home- constantly, but runs when the others come near. She has such an extreme face that it is difficult for her to eat anything.

AND- BYFM I think you are going to be the mass Uggo producer next year. However, I WILL be ordering more of those frizzle blue Uggo eggs for sure!
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