UGH - Major mistake last night!

Pollo Posada

In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 25, 2009
Mount Airy, MD
I wanted to post this so no one else makes this mistake!!!

I suppose that my neighbors hate us now! Last night the rooster started crowing at like 4 a.m. And then again at 4:30, 5:00 etc. We've never had this issue before. I was like "what the $#%@!"

This morning, when we finally rolled out of bed, it was still a little dark out. My husband looked out of the window, and the light was ON in the coop! The chickens must have accidentally turned on the switch somehow! We think this must have happened at 4:00 resulting in the early morning crowing!!!

Who knew a chicken could turn on a light switch!!! It was definitely off last night!

Needless to say we are TIRED today. I cannot even face my neighbors... it was just too ridiculous! I am sure they hate us now. LOL

Tonight I will be DISCONNECTING the power cord instead of just turning off the light!
I did take him 8 eggs yesterday before all of this went down... hopefully he will remember that gesture of good will today... UGH - what dorks we were!
Welll.........we have 4 hamsters (who love their wheels) I lived on an Air Force Base for years with planes flying on top of the roof all night....I guess I am good at blocking out noise.
I have the wonderful ability to sleep through anything "normal" but freak out and be awake in an instant when it is even a tiny "off" noise.

I guess I shoould point out I am a horrible insomniac and all of my sleeping is really "naps" anyway!!! LOL
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Our boys start up petty early, too. I feel bad for the other hens who have to deal with them. But at times I will hear a rooster stop mid-crow because a hen pecked him to shut him up.
Good to know I'm not the only one who hates dealing with them.

You get used to the noise after a while.
That is just too darn funny! Turning on the light to crow at 4am.

My coop is cinder block, when the birds are locked up, I cant hear them from the house. I always wonder what the hens think when the guineas are ready to go out and I haven't opened the coop yet.

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