Uncle Mike's Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes

I find large containers of fresh unfrozen blueberries at Costco - grocery stores have them but 1/2 pints are real pricey. I'm glad someone else has spoken up about using still frozen fruit in the pancakes because I'd think the COLD berries would make the surrounding batter not cook as thoroughly as the rest of the pancake... These are outstanding any way you try them. I would venture you could make peach pancakes with thawed sliced peaces too. Of course in season the options are only limited by what kind of fresh and sweet fruit your produce vendors have.
I have both frozen blueberries & homegrown peaches in my freezer.
Just need to replenish my maple syrup from the local state park that makes its own over woodfires.

Big M.:
Do you ever use powdered buttermilk?
America's Test kitchen suggested this as a sub for fresh.
I use powdered buttermilk AND frozen blueberries almost every Sunday morning. Something else I do is add a dollop of sour cream. Plus I add some of my homemade vanilla extract. To die for.

Mike, no, they don't undercook. The trick is to not to have your heat too high so they don't burn, but still get done.

The plates are GREAT Mike!

I have my grandmothers set. Someday I'd like to get the butter dish, S & P and a few more mugs. Ours set is for at least 16 with all of the pieces including the coffee pot water pitcher.

Our soup bowls are a little worse for wear...

We NEVER use it... but I always love seeing your set in all your recipes. I feel so bad. I keep telling myself... next summer! BIG 4th of JULY party at our house!

Use the dog gone dishes, if you break a few you can find them on eBay. Remarkably I've only lost one small plate in the four years I've had mine.
But them I'm neurotic about being the one that does the dishes every night.
When I turned 40 a couple I knew gave me 8 really swell wine glasses from Crate and Barrel. I guarded those babies and 15 years later (when the wife was passed away a couple years) her hubby came over for dinner and marveled I still had ALL of them.
I told him, no matter how drunk I get I always make sure I DO the dishes and wash and hand dry those glasses. When I moved to New Jersey I gave him what was left of them (five of eight). A year later he told me he'd broken all of them. LOL
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