Uncle Sam Expects You To Keep Hens and Raise Chickens !!

Well, the chickens out number the people in my house and there's no way I want 13 people living here! /img/smilies/lol.png

(ETA to fix my number.  Apparently I can't add anymore...)

That is what happens to us chicken people. The more chickens we have the crazier we get! We start doing things, and thinking about things differently. (I.E. Chicken math)
Well Uncle Sam, I happily keep a nice flock of chickens on our homestead-- glad we are meeting your expectations, sir!
I am a patriotic American chicken mama!
I'm hoping to join the multitudes of back yard chicken owners! Getting all my chicken stuff together- I just haven't asked my landlords yet, but I think I can sell them on the idea, because my coop and run designs will work to beautiful their yard and not damage it!
Back in the early part of the last century (1917 - 1918) the following was published in multiple poultry magazines :

The text reads:
Uncle Sam Expects You To Keep Hens and Raise Chickens

Two Hens in the Back Yard for Each Person in the House Will Keep a Family In Fresh Eggs

EVEN the smallest back yard has room for a flock large
enough to supply the house with eggs. The cost of main-
taining such a flock is small. Table and kitchen waste pro-
vide much of the feed for the hens. They require little attention—
only a few minutes a day.

An interested child, old enough to take a little responsibility,
can care for a few fowls as well as a grown person.

Every back yard in the United States should contribute its share to a bumper crop of poultry and eggs in 1918.

In Time of Peace a Profitable Recreation

In Time of War a Patriotic Duty

"Every back yard in the United States should contribute its share to a bumper crop of poultry and eggs..."
That sure sounds like our vision: "A chicken in every yard!"

How cool is that!?!?

(oh, and please don't post anything political in this thread or we'll need to remove it)​
This is neat!
Hmmmm....I wonder if one who was going up against a zoning board could use this to plead their case?

Precedent???? Lol

I love historical prints....very cool.

That’s actually not a bad idea. Maybe post it in response to some of the people who come here looking for ways to get their HOA/ zoning issues worked out.

It might work better for governmental restrictions.... city councils, zoning boards, housing authorities. HOA’s are private entities, and may or may not find it compelling.

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