Underground RR Quilt Block

I'm glad you liked it Kassundra. I know what you mean, sometimes i will just skim through the train ride to get to a block that I like and want to use.
Stayed up a little to late, but I have 1/2 of the blocks finished 1/2.
I can't believe how many of you are well under way with your blocks. I actually went back to the first post to double check the due date of these blocks. Normally I get started right a ways but this time I am side tracked by making donation baby quilts for NICU. I am having way too much fun. I am glad you are all working on your blocks and posting. It will spur me on to dig up the pattern and get going too.
Brought my sewing machine to work w/ me today and have had a little time to work on the blocks. I got one of the small green leaved background block finished, so that makes 2 completely finished!!!! wooo hooo.

I did the different colored background so I could post a pic of it, but won't be able to until tomorrow when I get home from work.
I finished a second one today. This one I was able to finish w/o interruption so I was able to ball park how long each one takes. Working at a comfortable rate each square takes roughly 3-3.5 hours. (depending on how many have to be seam ripped) So now I have 3 complete two different leafy green and the one bare tree blue.
So far I still think I have enough of the "wheel" fabrics to do all the blocks in that same fabric, the background fabrics are going to be changing. I am keeping them "woodsy / foresty" in feel though. The 6 that are started or finished each have 2 of these backgrounds, either the blue bare tree one I first posted or one of these next two.

The current background I am working w/ is brownish burgundy and orange woodsy / berry / twiggy, sounds odd but it is very pretty fabric. I have enough of it for 2 blocks, then it will be back to the stash to figure out more backgrounds.
Glad I am not the only one Lacy Blues. I plan to start cutting but every time I change the fabrics. I hope they do not all have to be exactly the same.

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