Underground RR Quilt Block

There back!
So here are my blocks
Kassaundra how is Rudy doing with his new wardrobe? Is he used to it already?

He doesn't like it, but he is wearing it. It was really cold all last week overnights in the teens and days in the 30's and he was out for all of it. He had his coat and coat pants on. Some of the rabbits sleep in w/ Rudy and Bella at night which helps keep it a little warmer. I also have them in a tiny coop, on purpose to hold more body heat. (since it is just the two chickens and a few rabbits)
Hello everyone! Just wanted to check in to let you all know I'm still here and in for the blocks. I'm working on mine, but I may be a week or so late. I
promise I won't hold it up for long. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. We are soo blessed! HE has given us more than I ever imagined! Stay safe. Will check back in in a week or so.

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