Unique shipping, how cute and what a great idea!


8 Years
Jul 13, 2011
Recently I bought some hatching eggs to add to my incubator and hopefully to my growing flock.
When they arrived I opened my box, got all the packing material out and cut open the egg box to get the cutest darn surprise.....All my eggs were plastic.
After I recovered from my fit of laughing. I opened each egg and of course my hatching eggs were nested inside each little plastic egg.

Big thumbs up to BYC member FrenchToast. What a clever and cute way to send my eggs! All of them arrived in perfect shape!

The incredible non edible plastic egg! Now that is using your noggin!
I take eggs to California in my carryon luggage. Last time three or four cracked. I have to go back for 3 weeks and can't stand store eggs. I wonder if this would work. I wonder what TSA will think. They have never given me problems with eggs in cartons, Clever idea!

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