Unknown Predators must love white chickens


11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
Madison, Wisconsin
I have had two sets of white brahmas in two years, and was never able to identify what's taking off with them. Does anyone know why predators seem to like white chickens over others?
My guess is that white is a very conspicuous color. It stands out in nature. Albino creatures don't live as long as other creatures in the wild because they're easy to see and predators pick them off. So, if you have white chickens and brown chickens, a predator can see the white ones easiest, and will go after them because they're the easiest to track when chasing. They're also just the ones the predators will notice first.
Put up a game camera. You may be surprised what predators lurk around that you may not see but the camera will. I raise White Leghorns and Rhode Island Whites As well as Brown Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds and When I have lost birds to predators mostly it has been the white birds. I have lost some of my RIR's but mostly the whites. In the past I have lost birds to a coyote, bobcat, fox, possum, hawk and owl. With each loss I beefed up my security. Because of a coyote, possum and a skunk, I have electric wire going around my coops and pens. Because of a fox that dug under a gate and killed some birds I put concrete under all of the gates and because of hawks and owl, I put heavy duty netting covering all of my pens. A skunk was after some youngsters and was attempting to dig under a gate. I tried to chase it off but it turned towards me and stomped it's feet so I shot it. I had a coyote jump over a 5' fence into a pen and kill some birds. Some birds went over the fence with the coyote after them. I shot the coyote in my back yard while it was chasing a bird but had #6 shot in my gun so I didn't kill it but I'm sure I hit it and it ran off.

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