unpopular chicken opinions??

Well, if you raise them to what 9 weeks or what is it, you can sell them as food chickens. This is entirely subjective of course. But then again, if they kill the day old chick and turn it into cat food, well, the cat lovers won't mind, or the cat. So when you boil it down and try to remove all the emotions. As long as it's being used somehow and not just thrown in the trash, what makes one age ok to kill but not another? It's not like the chicken is going to be able to 'fight' for it's life and actually win and say ok, be free Mr. Rooster, this 100 acres of pasture is all yours for winning the arena games!

Have you tried to get a cat to stop being a kibble junkie? Kibble sucks the moisture out of their tummies and makes them throw it up. The chronic dehydration kills their kidneys. I trained mine to eat canned food and so thoroughly to leave the free range chickens alone, that I think my cats forgot how to eat meat. :gig
Well, if you raise them to what 9 weeks or what is it, you can sell them as food chickens. This is entirely subjective of course. But then again, if they kill the day old chick and turn it into cat food, well, the cat lovers won't mind, or the cat. So when you boil it down and try to remove all the emotions. As long as it's being used somehow and not just thrown in the trash, what makes one age ok to kill but not another? It's not like the chicken is going to be able to 'fight' for it's life and actually win and say ok, be free Mr. Rooster, this 100 acres of pasture is all yours for winning the arena games!


These are my thoughts exactly. If the male chicks still have a purpose (fertilizer, pet food, ect.), I don't see how age of the rooster makes a difference.
both of those
as long as the bird isnt abused, is killed humanely & hopefully is put to some use.
What do you think should happen to all the males that hatch? It's sad, but what else is there to do with them?
I've always maintained that meat industries and egg ones should have some sort of cooperation. There's no reason day-old male chicks should be shredded when there are hungry people and the meat industry is never lacking in funds. At least the poor guys should fulfill a purpose (meat birds) than just being a destroyed by-product. It's just another example of classic American waste. 🙄
I've always maintained that meat industries and egg ones should have some sort of cooperation. There's no reason day-old male chicks should be shredded when there are hungry people and the meat industry is never lacking in funds. At least the poor guys should fulfill a purpose (meat birds) than just being a destroyed by-product. It's just another example of classic American waste. 🙄
the meat industry would never go for it because they're not broiler breeds. all they care about is profit margin.
i see what you mean, but specifically the “pretentious” part is what’s important, there’s definitely two different types of people who want breed integrity, and people who look down on little backyard chicken owners who just want some nice pets and fresh eggs and really don’t care about how good their chickens are is what i have a problem with. wanting breed integrity and loving chicken breeds/showing chickens and just wanting eggs are two things that can coexist without one being a threat to the other, i mean i certainly don’t have the audacity to walk into a professional showing competition and pretend my bird is good enough, and i don’t appreciate people who think they can judge my birds on that criteria because i don’t put them into a place where they should be judged because i know they’re not show quality.
I’m proud of my birds and try to keep them healthy. I don’t take mine to shows so don’t have any thoughts about showing.
I've always maintained that meat industries and egg ones should have some sort of cooperation. There's no reason day-old male chicks should be shredded when there are hungry people and the meat industry is never lacking in funds. At least the poor guys should fulfill a purpose (meat birds) than just being a destroyed by-product. It's just another example of classic American waste. 🙄
They aren't really a byproduct if they are being used for pet food or fertilizer. If they were just thrown in the trash, I would agree it's a waste, but if they are being used, I think that's a responsible practice.

Some people disagree with rabbit kits and mice being sold as snake food, but snakes have to eat, too.

Humans are programmed to have sympathy for babies. It's hard wired into us. Processing day old chicks for cat food somehow seems worse than processing 10 week cockerels for the same thing. End result, they are both food for something else.
I've always maintained that meat industries and egg ones should have some sort of cooperation. There's no reason day-old male chicks should be shredded when there are hungry people and the meat industry is never lacking in funds. At least the poor guys should fulfill a purpose (meat birds) than just being a destroyed by-product. It's just another example of classic American waste. 🙄
Layer breeds are pretty useless meat birds though. It takes a long time to raise them, and you only get 1-2 pounds of meat. The cost per pound would be way higher than a cornish x, and who would want to buy an expensive, scrawny bird when they could get a big cornish for far cheaper?
SO didnt say no but he basically said no lol
No little ducks? How about huge ones?
Disclaimer: not ducks. Muscovies

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