Unwanted Visitors

I'll set the Scarecrow up this evening and let everyone know what happens.,

If they start to try and get in the run I also have an electric fence I could set up..
Sounds good.
Okay the Scarecrow was a flop, never could get it to work right, BUT my 22 pistol with bird shot sent them headed home, not sure if they will be back but they definitely were hightailing it home...going to try and catch them and do the Craigslist idea....
Ya, maybe after you show them that YOU are the cock of the walk they will realize that is your territory and harem. Too bad the Scarecrow didn't cooperate.

A water hose with a nice spray nozzle in your hand might work well if you can get close enough. The brass tip I use sprays pretty far. That is, if you need to try something else.

Also it's funny, I have literally seen animals "high tail" it. Like deer.
Okay the Scarecrow was a flop, never could get it to work right, BUT my 22 pistol with bird shot sent them headed home, not sure if they will be back but they definitely were hightailing it home...going to try and catch them and do the Craigslist idea....
Get a bigger rooster to show 'em who's boss! My rooster can fly out of his fence but the hens can't so if another rooster came he would send him home.
I wouldn't advise catching them and putting them up on Craigslist. They don't belong to you. Put up a fence or talk to your neighbor before you do that.
Ya, maybe after you show them that YOU are the cock of the walk they will realize that is your territory and harem. Too bad the Scarecrow didn't cooperate.

A water hose with a nice spray nozzle in your hand might work well if you can get close enough. The brass tip I use sprays pretty far. That is, if you need to try something else.

Also it's funny, I have literally seen animals "high tail" it. Like deer.
Good idea with the hose! Chickens can be smarter than you think, and that might teach them a thing or two!
If they are on my property, they are trespassing and I can do with them as I see fit. Shooting them does not constitute murder or animal cruelty. In the same way giving them away will not constitute theft. I do think catching them could be difficult. I would end up with all kinds of scratches for sure.

If your rooster can fly out of his fence, that could be a be expense to Teppler when his birds ARE contained to MAYBE keep the strays out. Maybe not.

Talking to your neighbor first is a good idea if you can figure out who they belong to, and IF you are not worried about them being violent. Good fences do not make good neighbors, but it does help. However, if something does happen to the roo you will be under suspicion even if you are innocent. It's always nice if you can make an anonymous call to animal control (I understand it depends on your localities). Also when you do talk to the neighbor it is best to approach calm, friendly and rationally, not in anger or while you are mad.

Chickens are smarter than I think for sure, maybe smarter than me.
I think a lot of animals are smarter than a lot of us realize. For example one of my dogs has me well trained. She tells me what she wants then busts out with a bunch of tricks. Jokingly, I think she might speak better English than my hubby or kids (now 16 and 25)! She listens better for sure.

I don't mean to be argumentative, so please don't take it that way. It's a great day!
Get a bigger rooster to show 'em who's boss! My rooster can fly out of his fence but the hens can't so if another rooster came he would send him home.
I wouldn't advise catching them and putting them up on Craigslist. They don't belong to you. Put up a fence or talk to your neighbor before you do that.
Good idea with the hose! Chickens can be smarter than you think, and that might teach them a thing or two!
If they are on my property, they are trespassing and I can do with them as I see fit. Shooting them does not constitute murder or animal cruelty. In the same way giving them away will not constitute theft. I do think catching them could be difficult. I would end up with all kinds of scratches for sure.

If your rooster can fly out of his fence, that could be a be expense to Teppler when his birds ARE contained to MAYBE keep the strays out. Maybe not.

Talking to your neighbor first is a good idea if you can figure out who they belong to, and IF you are not worried about them being violent. Good fences do not make good neighbors, but it does help. However, if something does happen to the roo you will be under suspicion even if you are innocent. It's always nice if you can make an anonymous call to animal control (I understand it depends on your localities). Also when you do talk to the neighbor it is best to approach calm, friendly and rationally, not in anger or while you are mad.

Chickens are smarter than I think for sure, maybe smarter than me.
I think a lot of animals are smarter than a lot of us realize. For example one of my dogs has me well trained. She tells me what she wants then busts out with a bunch of tricks. Jokingly, I think she might speak better English than my hubby or kids (now 16 and 25)! She listens better for sure.

I don't mean to be argumentative, so please don't take it that way. It's a great day!
Shooting them would not be murder or animal cruelty, but I still do believe and always will believe that doing that or catching them and putting them up for sale on CL is wrong. I'm but not trying to preach at you but there are better ways to deal with this problem. Not many people want roosters anyways, and if the neighbor sees that they are on CL I'm sure that would not go over well. Now, if Teppler doesn't know who the neighbor is and insists on catching the roosters, he could at least put something in the newspaper explaining that these roosters were in his yard and if the neighbor doesn't claim them, they will be sold on CL.
A hose like you suggested is a good idea and what I would recommend. If the roosters have any brains, they will respond to that. Mine is afraid of garbage can lids.
I know you don't mean to be argumentative. I don't either. No hurt feelings here, just a different opinion!
Actually, some news papers have lost and found ads for free. That's a good ideal. There is also lost and found on CL and a farm section where the same info could probably be posted.

For me, I like to be at peace with my neighbors and myself. I will always try to do the right thing first, to the best of my ability, with the information I have available to me at the time.

I'm always open to see how others do things. A closed mind is that of a fool. And the OP was looking for more options, and that's what makes this a great forum.... different experiences.
Actually, some news papers have lost and found ads for free. That's a good ideal. There is also lost and found on CL and a farm section where the same info could probably be posted.

For me, I like to be at peace with my neighbors and myself. I will always try to do the right thing first, to the best of my ability, with the information I have available to me at the time.

I'm always open to see how others do things. A closed mind is that of a fool. And the OP was looking for more options, and that's what makes this a great forum.... different experiences.
I agree completely!

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