UPCOMING FLORIDA Swaps/Sales/Shows/Events/Fairs - GEORGIA too

Who is all going to Dunnellon next weekend? I have some Phoenix bantams for sale. One white hen, two fawn-breasted white pullets. One BBR cock. The cock's tail can grow up to 16 feet long.
I hope to make the ocala swap, any others? breeds, chicks, eggs, etc. post away...

We have some started EEs but most friends have already reserved them.
Here is a new swap I received.

Feed store Swap Meet
Every month on the second Saturday
Saturday June 11th
8am - 12pm
3669 Paul Buchman Hwy
Plant City, FL.
---> MAP
(813) 752 0011

Every month on the second Sat. of that month starting This month, Saturday June 11th, 8 til noonish is what they are thinking since its their first one. But people are welcome to stay however long they would like. I would suggest to people to bring an umbrella or canopy with them just to be on the safe side for shade not sure how much shade is really there. Its open to all kinds of critters and farm equipment.
thanks cmom the feed store is called Family Feed it is located corner of McGee Rd and (hwy 39) Paul Buchman Hwy they have a nice field to set up in so make sure you bring your shade cover with ya they have none...
My BF just brought the flyer home for this one in July. Did anyone go in June? How was it? I've got some Blue Jersey Giants that will need homes, and we will be able to tell the sex by then. Pretty sure I have two of each at this point. And one strange, tiny chick that was supposed to be an Appenzeller Spitz but has no crest and is very small compared to the other one.

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