update 1yr 3 months

I have seen saints listed for rescue and on CraigsList. We thought about it. Thought about newfs too. Called about a great Pyr. What we really really really want is a Black Russian Terrier. I can justify the $$. Just need to figure out how to go the distance.
Wow! She's gonna be a big one! My Mastiff Maya was 57# at 16 weeks!
New pics coming soon, She is tall and lean, I will have to meassure her height for fun. I think she is taller than my largest Bullmastiff at this point!
Addy is 6 months old! 83.56 lbs. I think I am starting to loose perspective on her size. She doesn't seem big to me any more. I am sure I have just become use to her but is 83.56 lbs a fair size for a 6 month old dog?


Funny how they try and sit in the chairs like that when they are so big. I don't think they care or realize they are too big. Mine still does at 100+. If I remember right at 7 months old my saint was 77lbs.

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