Update! EE egg color changing? YUP!


9 Years
Sep 15, 2010
Lafayette, Indiana
Martha Stewart and Georgia O'Keefe are sister EEs. Martha started laying at 30 1/2 weeks and Georgia 33 1/2 weeks. Martha started laying aqua eggs (sometimes speckled) and then Georgia started laying the same shade (not speckled), but slightly smaller (perhaps because she developed a little later - I ate the first eggs, so can't really compare their first eggs - but they may have been the same-ish side). Anyway, they have been laying for a couple of months, regular now, about 5 eggs a week. Today I went out and there was a normal Martha egg and a smaller... olive egg. I only have six hens and only two EEs. Is Georgia's egg color olive and is just now getting going? It would *really* be cool if that were the case...
or is because of the cold weather or something? Dietary changes with all their recent snacks? I've been giving them more fruit, meat, and hot oatmeal.
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My EEs eggs have changed quite a bit over the past year. They started out pretty dark, kind of olive, but have become more of a light blue/green. Now, I guess because of winter coming on, they have not laid in about 2 weeks.

My oldest EE lays light blue/green eggs and went through a phase of laying double-yolkers this summer, about 1 every other day. She has stopped laying too, but the RIRs and BRs are syill cranking them out, but have slowed down a little.
hmmm I personally haven't seen a change in color that severe. Are the other breeds you have in the pen purebred? Do you know for sure it was her that laid the olive egg
No, the other four hens were fully developed and laying when I got them... and we got the RIR's big brown one - the BOs with their pale brown eggs haven't laid in a while. And while I have no real idea if they are pure bred, they have been laying a consistent color. When I say olive, not a dark olive, an olive that could be made with a brown overlay on aqua... maybe it is just taking this long to get it? It was laid in their box, there are two boxes that only they lay in (my two EEs). I guess we will see if I have two EE colors today! I'm eggcited!!! The anticipation!
Green (or olive) eggs are just blue eggs with brown spray paint on top. So if there is a glitch in the paint booth, you will get a more bluish colored egg.

Dave.....several breeds eggs will lighten as the girls go throughout their laying cycle. (most obvious in Marans) It's possible your girl is laying light colored egg because the brown coating is lightening. (bringing out the blue) Betcha the darker eggs will come back after she molts.
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The EEs decided not to lay today. It is both of them laying in a day or not. However our RIR laid today, which is two days in a row - pretty cool. So I will have to wait until tomorrow...
So... today both Georgia and Martha laid and Georgia's egg (the smaller one anyway) was a bit olive-y. Less olive-y than Monday's egg. So I looked through the eggs that we haven't eaten and although I had previously thought they were the same color they ARE slightly different, some days more noticeable. Georgia does lay an egg with a bit of a brown overlay! And Monday her sprayer must have felt like going a bit wilder.
I'm happy with that because not only do I have different colors at least once in a while, I will know whose are whose once their egg sizes become more similar. I'm a happy girl.
I tried to capture the color difference with a camera, but even with the flash turned out they just looked about the same. I'll see if my boys will let me take a picture tomorrow with day light (which is scarce when I have a wee bit of free time).

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