Update on Lunch, the zombie chicken.


7 Years
Jun 25, 2015
Southern New Hampshire, USA

Lunch is doing very, very well. She's walking fine, she's perky, alert, eating and drinking fine, though one of her wings is a little droopy. In light of all that happened, and could have happened to her, I believe a bit of a droopy wing is nothing to be concerned about, especially since she can use it. I've taken the opportunity to take care of her bumblefoot without any difficulties. I think she's now ready to be reincorporated into the flock, especially since this afternoon, she was jumping around the crate trying to catch a flying bug that was buzzing about.

The picture above is a picture of Lunch, who thanks everyone for all their kind words and well wishes.

Thanks everyone, for all your support.

Holy Cow that was an insane read and i am now added to Lunch the Zombie Chicken's fan club! :love :hugs for Lunch!

Heres the first thread detailing her story in case someone wants to see the story behind her.


Now, a word of caution, sorry. If there is an internal injury the poor gal could rot from the inside. A friend had a duck survive months after an injury and when she passed on they found like gangrene inside her. Just be wary and watchful of any swelling. Im concerned about that leg and/or wing ending in the same manner.

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