**UPDATE** on shrink-wrapped chick...HE'S OUT! :0)

So awesome! I want to get some, one of these days. You should definately hit up craigs list and do a search on hatching eggs in your area. Then you can go and pick them up and you KNOW that they wont get jostled around on your way home and God only knows what else happens while they are being shipped!

So how's everyone's incubation going? My temp has finally decided to be consistant and is staying at one temp.
I cant wait to candle them again tomorrow! I hope they are all still alive and kicking!
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention.....I just got a BIG ripple in my hatching plans.....I have to go in for surgery on the 18th! It's an out patient procedure but I know that the anestesia <~ or however that's spelled~ is going to leave me tired and just wanting to come home and sleep! I hope they decide to come a day early and are all hatched by the 17th, that would be great but my luck, they will all hatch on the 18th, lol.
Congrats on your pips!!! So exciting!!!

Mine came on schedule. Started Sunday and by Monday we had 42 baby quails. They are all in the brooder by now.
Thanks, heksa, I was wondering about your eggs...I cant believe you had all 42 hatch, THATS AWESOME!!!! Im very excited to see what I get out of these eggs
We got them from my husband's boss and he has all sorts of chickens down on the farm. Last hatch, I bought a dozen of Buff Orpingtons from someone that I found on craigs list and was also given a dozen by Jimmy (hubby's boss). Out of the farm eggs, we got 3 RIRs and 1 that is a complete mystery. I hope it is a roo because it is already so pretty and interesting looking! I also got 5 Buff Orpingtons out of the dozen :0)
Here's a couple pics of our mystery chick, who is now about 4 weeks old. The first picture was when he/she was only a day or two old


Today - 4 weeks old


Wow, that is one interesting looking bird. I love this kind of coloring.

Good luck on your hatchlings.

I posted pics in a separate post but will paste them here as well, just a little smaller

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I now have 2 chicks, 1 pip and 1 that is unfortunately shrink-wrapped :0( I am doing my best to help out alittle bit but I dont think he is completely ready to come out! Yesterday I woke up and went to go check on the temp and saw that I had my firs pip. Hours went by and I didnt worry because it took my first pip in the las litter almost 24 hours to zip but as I watched throughout the day, I could see that he was trying to move into another position to sart zipping and he couldnt. Still I told myself not to worry, maybe he is just tired. This morning I got up and he is still in he same position and I can kind of see the membrane shrink-wrapped around him, thank God his little face was out so he can breathe! With the other 2 hatched I felt it safe to quickly open the bator and pull him out...so I did...Needless to say, he was shrink-wrapped! I took alittle bit of his shell off, trying to leave the membrane to make sure there is no blood. I did come across alittle blood (but got alot of shell off before), so I quickly wrapped him up in a warm wet papertowel and put him back in the bator.
What do I do now?!

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