*update PICS!* At least one has hatched!!!


12 Years
Mar 17, 2007
Our light sussex hen is still sitting on those eggs. Today is day 19 and i really want to go down and see what is happening, but i'm trying my hardest to leave her alone. I want to know what's happening though, i just can't sit still! Will they be cheeping to her from inside the egg or what?? That's the bad thing about using a broody hen, i guess, you don't get to get up close to the action

She got off the eggs for a few minutes today (not long) but will the eggs be okay? Because i heard that after day 18 the mother hen was meant to stay on the eggs, but she didn't get off for long

I just want them to hatch already, it seems to be taking for ever!!

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Well....you can't make it rain or make the sun come up any faster so I guess you will have to wait.
I would be dying to pick up that chicken and investigate as well! Maybe you can take a chair out there and sit by her for a while and see if you hear anything.
Well, i waited and waited and tried not to disturb her and we didn't hear a thing. Today is day 21 and we still hadn't heard a thing.
And then WE SAW A CHICK!!!!!

And I have never seen anything as cute in my life!! We still haven't heard a cheep, but it is all fluffy and we saw it pootling about! We haven't disturbed mum, just gave her fresh water and chick feed

I will get my dad to take a pic and put some on in the next few days, in case any more hatch

Yeah exactly 21 days, and we didn't even hear a peep!!!

its day 20 with my hen i keep putting my head to the outside of the house trying to listen now i know i might not hear anything
Mine started out sitting on about 8 eggs, day 21 was somewhere in the first week of June (we were away when she started sitting on her eggs) - 2 hatched (1 of the 2 died not sure if the mother hen stepped on her or what but she was kind of crushed underneath her), 4 were hatched with the yokes still attached so they didn't make it. 1 was trying to get out and my husband peeled her/him out (that was interesting) and we have one more that seems to be alive but not hatched yet. So, we have 2 chicks so far (RRI and Barred Rock). It is really cute, they hide inside the mother hen's wings and pop their heads out. This is our first time, yours too?
Hey judyisfun, they are VERY cute! I got to stroke one today as well~Too Cute! When are yours due to hatch?
We heard no peeping either joannamarie, not even after one chick had hatched! Hopefully soon you will be surprised to see some chicks!
unlikelyfarmers : Yeah this is our first time hatching chicks too, and our hen hides her chicks under her wings too!

Well, today me and my younger cousin went out to feed the hen and she let us stroke the chick!! Then she stood up and we were able to see that underneath her another two chicks had hatched!!!

Here's a picture of the first chick


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