*update PICS!* At least one has hatched!!!

Red................thanks for sharing pictures of your new chicks.......Peaches has been broody for 2 sessions now, none of the first ones hatched, they said it was too cold..............but she would not leave the nest, I gave a few eggs the other girls had laid over the next few days and a neighbour gave me 11 Banty eggs a week later.......so I do not really know, should be anyday now she has "the look"................LOL
Take care of those chicks Red:)
Here is a picture taken this morning a few hours ago, with mum and her three chickies, but one was camera-shy


Thanks everybody

My hen (Milly) is a light sussex, but we bought fertile eggs so the chicks aren't the same breed...they are Buff Orpingtons. My hen went broody so we bought her some eggs to hatch, and she did a great job!

Oh wow judyisfun, make sure to post pics when they hatch (if you haven't already, i'll have to go have a quick look round the board just in case

Adorable chicks, Red!! The first time is sooo exciting, isn't it?!

Judyisfun, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Toes too! Reason is, your hen may leave the nest before the bantam eggs get to hatch. They usually only linger on the nest about 3 days after the first chick hatches so you might want to get hold of an incubator in case that happens. Better to be safe than sorry!

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Thanks for your support, so far nothing has happened here:(, maybe today........she did such a fine job last year with her chicks, I really don't know what is going on..............
Red those are just too sweet, and I will send pics if I get chicks...lol
Finally...............I have one chick................but I do not know how to put a picture in here...................this is just way too much fun..........lol
judyisfun, dont know if you have allready found out now, but you can put photos on here by registering with photobucket website its free to join

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