**UPDATE with pics (pg. 4)!!** Rhode Island Red, Hen or Roo? PICS!

congrats on your egg
Yay! Congrats on the egg.

Personally I'm feeling so chuffed (pleased) with myself because I'm new to all this and I couldn't help but fixate on those big rounded feathers with no gloss on the neck feathers and thinking "pullet!".

This is about the only indicator I have that my big androgynous looking mixed-breed chooks are also pullets

Thanks for sharing your pics!
I seriously think it's so amazing how these birds can really fool us. Your first pics I figured it was a she, until you posted the last set and saw tail feathers, and yes, those ginormous legs. And then she lays an egg! What a happy ending for you, I'm really happy for you. Apparently all that red was meaning she was getting ready to lay. BTW...she laid this at 16 weeks?? Wow, I hope mine lay that soon.
Well everyone, I have my answer, and I hope it can help others to figure out what sex their RIR's are.

It would appear that we have a lovely HEN
As SHE layed this beauty yesterday...


I wanted to make sure it was her before I posted anything, but I saw her in the nest box this morning and she has been doing a hearty squat the last several days

Thank you all again for your help and opinions!
Yay!!! I'm so excited I took the time to read all these post. I have a 9 week Rhode Island with a big red waddle and everyone is saying roo! I can't stand the thought of getting rid of her/him. So I'm so happy there is hope!!!

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