UPDATED with PHOTOS: One chick much smaller than others...


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 18, 2013
Of the nine chicks that we brought home one is much smaller than the others. She is a sex-linked gold laced wyandotte and was the same size as her two "sisters" when they hatched. She seems to be just as active and hungry and busy as the others - just much smaller now as the others have progressed past her. Her feathering is much further behind, as well. I worry about her, especially now that some of the older chicks are towering over her. I guess what I wanted to ask was: should I be worried about this chick? Have others had experiences with chicks that grew very slowly but ended up healthy? She will be three weeks old this weekend.
Did you hatch them because if it's just from a hatchery it could be a bantam. Some times people get mixed up.
Did you hatch them because if it's just from a hatchery it could be a bantam. Some times people get mixed up.

I bought them all from a local breeder at one day old. The chicks were bred from on-site parents. I remember her saying that she hadn't had any bantams until this spring when she hatched a set of bantam chicks, so it doesn't seem like that's likely. It's just so strange because she seems so lively otherwise. If I had never seen them before, I would guess she was at least a week younger than the others.
Updated with photos:

These two are both three weeks old.

Small enough to hide under her big sister...

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