Urban coop and run


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 15, 2013
Seattle, WA
My Coop
My Coop

Started framing my coop. Yes, I know it's overkill but the 2x4s were free so that's what I'm using. Coop is about 28 inches up. Thinking about hanging the feeder underneath or maybe a dust bath tub. Run will be 8'7"x4'. Originally planned on a large door on the front but the tree would block the door. I think I'll attach the nesting boxes on that side instead. Tree will pose some challenges for the roof but wife won't let me cut it down. More next weekend.
Thanks, the pavers and bricks were left over from a remodel. I'm wondering if burrowing predators (I've seen racoons in the neighborhood) will be able to push up through them.

I'm planning on getting 5 chicks with the assumption that I may lose a chick to sickness or one will turn out to be a rooster but 4 was what I'm thinking of for the long term. If it turns out we have 5 healthy hens I think the coop should be able to handle them.


The chicks are getting big and the DW has given me a deadline to finish the coop. Spent the better part of the weekend getting the roof up and putting up siding. Two walls done and two more to go. Hope the weather cooperates.
Very nice. We built our coop/run under a big oak tree. Great shade on those hot days for the chickens.
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Thanks. Our coop is under a clump of birch. Not my first choice, but the only spot in our yard. After the DW nixed the idea of cutting down the trunk I had to do a little creative roofing.

Coop is done. More images under "My coop" in my profile. They've been in the coop for two days now. I'm opening the door to the run tomorrow. Just need to finish the nesting boxes but I have 4 months until they start laying.
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Nesting boxes done. The end is in sight. Just a couple of minor things. Now just wait for eggs.

It's looking good. I suggest you use vinyl or linoleum to cover the floor and fill with sand. It keeps the coop clean, less smell, and dry. I also used sand for the run too.

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